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3 stress relief Blog posts

9 Hilarious Office Pranks to Pull On Your Coworkers

Blood will be spilled, tears will be shed, and friendships will be broken after you pull these 9 hilarious office pranks on your co-workers. Click to find out.,Blood will be spilled, tears will be shed, and friendships will be broken after you pull these 9 hilarious office pranks on your co-workers. Click to find out.,Blood will be spilled, tears will...
Office and Admin

7 Stress Management Techniques for Nurses

Daryn Eller at Scrubs Mag has compiled some strategies for nurses to help them manage stress without feeling overwhelmed.,Daryn Eller at Scrubs Mag has compiled some strategies for nurses to help them manage stress without feeling overwhelmed.,Daryn Eller at Scrubs Mag has compiled some strategies for nurses to help them manage stress without feeling overwhelmed.,Daryn Eller at Scrubs Mag has...

5 Ways to Deal With the Worst Job You've Ever Had

Hate your job? You're not alone. Click to learn about 5 unorthodox ways to deal with the worst job you've ever had.,Hate your job? You're not alone. Click to learn about 5 unorthodox ways to deal with the worst job you've ever had.,Hate your job? You're not alone. Click to learn about 5 unorthodox ways to deal with the worst...
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