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18 Tools & Skills Blog posts

Best remote tools for working from home

While we're all working from home remote tools are important. Let’s have a quick look at some of the best tools that can make working from home a breeze.,While we're all working from home remote tools are important. Let’s have a quick look at some of the best tools that can make working from home a breeze.,While we're all working...
Tools & Skills

Why Your Personality Type is Important For Your Job

Barry Schwartz, a researcher on human behavior, recently suggested that most of us will find ourselves in one of two categories when it comes to making decisions.,Barry Schwartz, a researcher on human behavior, recently suggested that most of us will find ourselves in one of two categories when it comes to making decisions.,Barry Schwartz, a researcher on human behavior, recently...
Tools & Skills

8 Misused Words on Your Resume That Make You Look Bad

Knowing the correct words to use when writing a resume and cover letter can help get you an interview for a position as you apply to different job sites.,Knowing the correct words to use when writing a resume and cover letter can help get you an interview for a position as you apply to different job sites.,Knowing the correct words...
Tools & Skills

6 Ways to Gain Control in the Face of Uncertainty

Here are some concrete suggestions that can help you tackle the uncertainty in your life and learn how to move toward acceptance instead.,Here are some concrete suggestions that can help you tackle the uncertainty in your life and learn how to move toward acceptance instead.,Here are some concrete suggestions that can help you tackle the uncertainty in your life and...
Tools & Skills

Why Planning Less Will Boost Productivity

aAcording to David Caolo at, the best way to give yourself some breathing room and actually boost your productivity is to plan to get less done. Click for more.,aAcording to David Caolo at, the best way to give yourself some breathing room and actually boost your productivity is to plan to get less done. Click for more.,aAcording to...
Tools & Skills

5 Questions Every Job Hopping Nurse Should Know How to Answer

Here are the 5 questions you should prepare to answer in any job interview—nail this, you’ll soothe any employers worried brow.,Here are the 5 questions you should prepare to answer in any job interview—nail this, you’ll soothe any employers worried brow.,Here are the 5 questions you should prepare to answer in any job interview—nail this, you’ll soothe any employers worried...
Tools & Skills

5 Easy Ways You Can Avoid Job Burnout

What are some signs job burnout is sneaking up behind you? If you're feeling like the signs are there, there are 5 easy ways you can avoid work burnout.,What are some signs job burnout is sneaking up behind you? If you're feeling like the signs are there, there are 5 easy ways you can avoid work burnout.,What are some signs...
Tools & Skills

7 Strategies for Your Side Hustle

f there’s something you’re yearning to do, or just want to make some extra money on the side, you have options for creating a fun and profitable “side hustle” for yourself.,f there’s something you’re yearning to do, or just want to make some extra money on the side, you have options for creating a fun and profitable “side hustle” for...
Tools & Skills

3 Simple Ways You Can Be More Positive at Work

Eve Ash, over at, has some helpful tips for you and your team regarding being more positive at work.,Eve Ash, over at, has some helpful tips for you and your team regarding being more positive at work.,Eve Ash, over at, has some helpful tips for you and your team regarding being more positive at work.,Eve Ash, over...
Tools & Skills
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