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34 Education Blog posts

Educational leadership styles: Which one fits you?

Because educators are already a pretty diverse crowd, it should be no surprise that leadership styles can vary pretty widely too. So let’s look at the main types of educational leaders.,Because educators are already a pretty diverse crowd, it should be no surprise that leadership styles can vary pretty widely too. So let’s look at the main types of educational...

4 great work from home jobs for teachers

Consider the following work from home jobs if you’re a teacher looking to explore ways in which you can earn money without having to go beyond your very own front door.,Consider the following work from home jobs if you’re a teacher looking to explore ways in which you can earn money without having to go beyond your very own front...

The world of second jobs for teachers

If you’re a teacher looking for additional employment, consider the following ideas to earn some extra money and help make ends meet.,If you’re a teacher looking for additional employment, consider the following ideas to earn some extra money and help make ends meet.,If you’re a teacher looking for additional employment, consider the following ideas to earn some extra money and...

6 top apps for teachers in 2018

Teachers are busy, both in the classroom and outside of it. Apps can be a godsend to help keep organized and improve the classroom experience for students. But there are so many apps out there—which ones are tops for teachers and can help streamline their lives inside and outside of the classroom?,Teachers are busy, both in the classroom and outside...

The top 5 education jobs for 2018

Whether you’re already on an educational career path, trying to decide what comes next, or you’re one of those career changers who has decided to go ahead and commit to that change, we have some insight into some of the top educational job prospects in the next year.,Whether you’re already on an educational career path, trying to decide what comes...

How to decide if college is the right choice for you

Let’s look at the most important factors to consider as you decide whether or not to go for that college degree.,Let’s look at the most important factors to consider as you decide whether or not to go for that college degree.,Let’s look at the most important factors to consider as you decide whether or not to go for that college...

What could possibly replace K-12 and college? 

If you’re curious about what learning traditional learning alternatives could potentially disrupt the current field of education, keep reading!,If you’re curious about what learning traditional learning alternatives could potentially disrupt the current field of education, keep reading!,If you’re curious about what learning traditional learning alternatives could potentially disrupt the current field of education, keep reading!

How to become a school counselor

If you’re interested in both psychology and teaching, it can be a fulfilling career path.,If you’re interested in both psychology and teaching, it can be a fulfilling career path.,If you’re interested in both psychology and teaching, it can be a fulfilling career path.,If you’re interested in both psychology and teaching, it can be a fulfilling career path.

How to become an ESL teacher

If you’re thinking about combining a love of teaching with the practical needs of language learners, it can be a great career path.,If you’re thinking about combining a love of teaching with the practical needs of language learners, it can be a great career path.,If you’re thinking about combining a love of teaching with the practical needs of language learners,...
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