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4 great work from home jobs for teachers

Mar 14, 2018 Eric Titner

4 great work from home jobs for teachers

When you think of the day-to-day of a teacher, you likely envision the typical role of getting to school as the sun rises and standing in front of a class all day. All those work-from-home and make your own schedule perks are for other professions—not teachers, right? Not necessarily. Maybe you've been in the classroom for years and are looking for something a little more private and one-on-one. Maybe you still love education but family or personal circumstances make it so that the flexibility of working from home is ideal for you. If so, you’ll be thrilled to learn that there are lots of options available. That’s right, you can leverage the skills and experience that you’ve gained while working in the classroom and earn some real money—either extra income on top of your teacher salary or as your primary paycheck, all according to your schedule and needs. Consider the following work from home jobs if you’re a teacher looking to explore ways in which you can earn money without having to go beyond your very own front door.


You’re already good at teaching students in the classroom, so why not earn some money doing it outside of class? Consider adding tutoring services to your roster of available work services—you can offer tutoring sessions at your home or online and book appointments that work around your current schedule, which is a huge plus for busy folks. Also, you can focus on the subjects you’re already an expert in, which means no “learning curve” or additional training is required—you can get started immediately. How’s that for a win-win work situation?

Online Teacher

This one’s similar to tutoring in terms of directly leveraging what you already do inside of the classroom to earn a paycheck from the comfort of your own home. The number of institutions offering classes online—in nearly every subject imaginable—seems to grow by leaps and bounds every year, which means that the demand for experienced and qualified educators will only continue to increase. Are you intrigued by the notion of getting paid to teach online from your home? If so, then this might be a perfect option for you.


What teacher doesn’t spend a significant amount of their professional time reviewing, editing, and revising their student’s written work? If this sounds familiar, then why not consider making some extra money doing it from home? Editors are paid to carefully read and revise a wide array of written material, from articles and books to blog posts, marketing collateral, and more. Many editors work from their own home computers and have leverage setting their own hours and rates—you can even have control over the types of materials you chose to edit, and once you get some experience under your belt you can specialize and focus in a topic or area of your choosing. If this sounds right up your alley then this just might be the work-from-home employment option that you’re looking for.


These days, many of us choose to blog for the fun of it, or because we’re passionate about a subject—but did you know that you can get paid for doing it? That’s right, many companies hire content developers to create original blog content for their sites in an effort to generate clicks and build their audiences. You can help contribute to their efforts and get paid in the process. The range of topics that you could potentially write about is nearly limitless, and you can typically have control over the hours you work. Also, if your content starts generating lots of reader traffic, you can build some real job security and even increase your hourly rate and take-home pay. Are you looking to boost your income with work opportunities that you can do from home? If so, then consider taking advantage of the opportunities mentioned here and you might find yourself with extra money without having to overhaul your life or derail your normal schedule and routine. Good luck!

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