The University of South Carolina, College of Engineering andComputing, invites applications for open rank
tenure-track faculty positions in the Department of IntegratedInformation Technology (IIT) starting Spring or
Fall 2024.
Situated in USC's Engineering and Technology Innovation Center, theIIT Department (
offers an ABET accredited undergraduate BS in IntegratedInformation Technology, a Master of Science in
Information Technology, a CAHIIM accredited Master of HealthInformation Technology (MHIT), a joint
PharmD/MHIT, and a PhD in Informatics with an optionalConcentration in Health Informatics. The IIT faculty is
highly engaged in transdisciplinary and translational research, andthe Department is actively involved with the
regional business and healthcare communities. Teaching load is veryattractive and appropriate for developing a
robust research program. Online as well as traditional classroomteaching, commitment to undergraduate research,
and university and professional service will be expected.Successful candidates are expected to develop
internationally recognized, externally funded research programsthat: (1) broaden the institution's strengths, (2)
leverage exceptional interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities,and (3) align with vital college-level, priorities
and cross-cutting research themes. Areas of interest include healthinformation technology, informatics, data
analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, humancomputer interaction, project management,
networking, cybersecurity, software development, databasemanagement, mobile technologies, cloud computing,
virtualization, web development, enterprise systems,internet-of-things (IoT) and digital transformation. Scholars
in interdisciplinary research at the intersection of artificialintelligence (AI) and information technology or
informatics may have an option for affiliation with the ArtificialIntelligence Institute ( Affiliation
with the University's Big Data Health Science Center is also anoption.
Qualifications. All applicants must hold an earned doctorate ininformation technology, information systems,
health informatics or related computing discipline by the startdate of employment, with demonstrated potential
for excellence in teaching and research with high scholarly impact,and expertise in information technology and
digital transformation. Applicants for the rank of Associate orfull Professor must have years of academic and/or
relevant industry experience consistent with academic policy.
Application. Review of applications will begin on September 1, 2023and continue until this position is filled.
Expected start date is January 1 or August 16, 2024. Interestedapplicants will apply via
https// with: (1) a letter of intent,(2) curriculum vitae, (3) a concise description of
research plans, (4) a teaching plan, and (5) names & contactinformation of 3 references.
Questions may be directed to: Dr. Elizabeth A. Regan, DepartmentChair, Integrated Information Technology, (803)777-2286.
The University of South Carolina does not discriminate ineducational or employment opportunities on the basis
of race, sex, gender, gender identity, transgender status, age,color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual
orientation, genetics, protected veteran status, pregnancy,childbirth or related medical conditions.
Required skills
- Web Development Experience
- Mobile Technologies
- Cloud Computing
- Web Development Experience
- Mobile Technologies
- Cloud Computing
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)