Assistant Professor: South Asian Religions
Assistant Professor in South Asian Religions
Religious Studies Department, Santa Clara University
Tenure Track
The Department of Religious Studies at Santa Clara University, a Jesuit, Catholic university, invites applications for a full-time tenure track assistant professor position to begin Fall 2024 in South Asian Religions. We seek candidates who have expertise in social-scientific approaches to the study of South Asian Religions in Diaspora, preferably in the North American context with preference for candidates whose research focuses on Hinduism, Jainism or Sikhism. Candidates should demonstrate not only potential for excellent teaching, but also promise in sustained research and scholarly publication, and service to the department, College or University. Required qualifications include completion of the doctoral degree by the time of appointment, evidence of potential for effective and excellent university-level teaching primarily at the undergraduate level, and evidence of an agenda for scholarship and promise of publication in South Asian religious studies. For more information and to apply, see
Duties include but are not limited to:
a. Teach classes as assigned and demonstrate a command of the discipline and skill in presenting it effectively in the context of an integrated education.
b. Use appropriate measures of student performance, providing timely feedback to students.
c. Assign grades and offer feedback that provides an accurate and fair evaluation of student work.
d. Post and maintain regular office hours at times reasonably convenient to students.
e. Serve as an advisor to assigned students and provide informed advice.
f. Develop courses in keeping with trends in the field of South Asian religious studies, and contribute to curriculum development in the broader religious studies department in a collegial manner.
g. Engage in a level of scholarly or creative work or professional activity commensurate to rank and contribute to the research life of the department in a collegial manner.
h. Engage in service to the department, College, University, the profession, and the wider community. These include but are not limited to fostering and advancing the mission and goals of the department, the University, or the profession through contributions other than teaching and scholarship such as service on committees, participation in professional organizations and activities, and community service performed in virtue of their professional expertise or association with the University.
Required documents, including reference letters, are due by September 10, 2023. Only files with all documents submitted by the deadline will be reviewed.
Required skills
- College / Undergraduate Teaching
- Curriculum Development
- College / Undergraduate Teaching
- Curriculum Development
- College / Undergraduate Teaching
- Curriculum Development
- College / Undergraduate Teaching
- Curriculum Development
- College / Undergraduate Teaching
- Curriculum Development