Assistant Professor, African American Psychology Specialty
Claremont McKenna College Department of PsychologicalScience Assistant Professor, African American PsychologySpecialty
(Open Area)
The Department of Psychological Science at Claremont McKennaCollege invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position(at the early Assistant Professor level) in diversity science witha focus on African American psychology. The specific field withinpsychology is open. We are especially interested in someone whoconducts community-based or applied research that has a directimpact on underserved communities. This position aligns with thedepartment and college’s commitment to anti-racism and valuing ofdiverse perspectives and contributions. The successful candidatemust hold a Ph.D. in psychology by the time of the appointment,which begins on July 1, 2024.
The teaching load is two courses per semester. Candidates shouldbe effective in teaching students in a liberal arts setting,characterized by small class sizes and high levels of studentinteraction. The successful applicant will teach a core course(i.e., Introduction to Psychology, Statistics, or ResearchMethods), a lower-level course in their specialty area (e.g.,Cultural Psychology, Psychological Disorders, DevelopmentalPsychology, Cognitive Psychology, or Social Psychology), and anupper-level seminar on African American Psychology and/or anothercourse within their specialty area on African American experiences.Given our commitment to cultivating an inclusive educationalenvironment, we seek candidates who can demonstrate a commitment toteaching, mentoring, and inspiring students representing a broadrange of socioeconomic backgrounds, political opinions, genders,races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, andreligions.
Candidates must have demonstrated ability to maintain an active,high-quality research program as well as the highest standards ofexcellence in teaching and involve undergraduates in research.There is also the option of contributing to the 5C IntercollegiateDepartment of Africana Studies and working with graduate studentsin the Psychology doctoral program at Claremont GraduateUniversity.
For further information and to apply online, please visit
For full consideration, please submit complete applications byOctober 1, 2023. Review of applications may continue until theposition is filled. If you have any questions regarding theposition, please contact Wei-Chin Hwang (Chair of the SearchCommittee and Chair of the Psychological Science Department) at(909) 607-2762,
Claremont McKenna College is a highly selectiveundergraduate institution ranked among the top liberal artscolleges nationally. Claremont McKenna College is an equalopportunity employer.
Required skills
- College / Undergraduate Teaching
- College / Undergraduate Teaching
- College / Undergraduate Teaching
- College / Undergraduate Teaching
- College / Undergraduate Teaching