Sep 12, 2017 ● Rebecca Sewkarran
Emotional intelligence and the effect it has on your career
Emotional intelligence or (EQ) is becoming a must have in the work force. Emotional intelligence is being able to understand and manage your emotions as well as understand the emotions of others. EQ has become a key when it comes to success in the work place. People with higher emotional intelligence tend to manage stress better and collaborate well with others. Many famous CEOs that have high emotional intelligence include Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon, Warren Buffett CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, and Indra Nooyi CEO of Pepsi. There are many benefits of having employees with high emotional intelligence in the company such as higher performance and profitability.
Here's a great guide to understanding what is emotional intelligence and how it can be beneficial in the workplace.
Source [BrightonSBM]