Oct 7, 2016 ● Sheryl Posnick
15 Career Superstars to Follow on Twitter and LinkedIn
When you’re on the hunt for a new job, it can feel like a lonely process sometimes. You’re editing your resume, you’re researching new opportunities and job descriptions, and you’re working on your personal package and brand. All of those are necessary elements of the process, but that’s a lot of “you” going on, no? Where do you turn when you need advice and career resources such as resume templates, interview guides and workplace tips?
You know our door is always open at TheJobNetwork, but there’s also a whole internet of people who add their personal voices and expertise to the mix. Social media has opened up everyone’s networks like never before, making it easy to connect with others. Let’s look at some of the movers and shakers who can help bump your career development to the next level, whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out.