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What Makes Truckers Stick with a Company?

Nov 20, 2015 Miranda Pennington

What Makes Truckers Stick with a Company?

Recent surveys conducted in and around Salt Lake City, Utah, showed that drivers, ranging from their early 20s to 60+, stayed with one company an average of 5.73 years and were spending 2.61 weeks away from home on average each trip. In an industry where employers tend to focus on turnover rather than retention, it was an unexpected shift towards what trucking companies tend to forget about—that loyalty is its own reward. The company’s surveys found that the majority of drivers value “a respectful, friendly, understanding, and kind” environment, followed closely by independence. Practices that incited loyalty included listening to suggestions, providing incentives, and covering benefits. Top companies for retention include: Motor Carrier Service (Ohio), which issues a driver scorecard and asks drivers for input before releasing it. Managers also work closely with drivers to implement suggestions and critiques. Interstate Distributor (Washington), which focuses on ethics and leadership, features consistency throughout its operations, and has retained 55% of its drivers for more than 5 years. Fremont Contract Carriers (Nebraska), which surveys its drivers frequently, and provides clear responsive adjustments based on driver feedback.

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