Feb 2, 2016 ● Peter Jones
5 Lucrative and Rewarding Trucking Jobs to Consider
OTR trucking can be a thankless job—long hours, lots of time away from home, constant tedium, and the ever-present need for vigilance where safety is concerned. Given how difficult it can be, and how high the entry-level standards are, it should come as no surprise that many jobs go unfilled every year.
What you probably didn’t realize is that truck drivers make great money. If you’re independent, a conscientious driver, and don’t mind the lone-wolf lifestyle, trucking might be a good career move for you. The high demand means high pay and job security. The schedules can be flexible, you can live almost anywhere you want, and your view will always change by the mile. Not to mention, trucking companies usually offer great benefits.
And that’s just for your normal, run-of-the-mill trucking job. Here are 5 specialized trucking jobs that offer even higher pay, just to give you something to aspire to.