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Dental Admins: 5 Interview Questions You Need to Master

May 4, 2015 Eric Titner

Dental Admins: 5 Interview Questions You Need to Master

There’s no denying it: a great dental office needs a great admin. Do you want to cut through the job-hunting crowd and become the administrative assistant that dentists dream about? The first step is to ace your next interview. Charles Crawford at Dentistry IQ has targeted five key questions that you better be prepared for when it’s your turn to dazzle potential employers.

1. Are you approachable?

Great admins work well with every other member of the dental office team, and are great with clients, so employers are going to want to know that you’re the sort of person others feel comfortable with, or avoid like the plague. If you want the job, be sure the person in charge of hiring thinks you’d be great to work with.

2. Are you a good talker?

Dental admins are often the faces of the practices they work for—as an admin you may even be the first person patients interact with—so of course potential employers are going to want to know if you’re charismatic, a great talker, someone people feel good communicating with.

3. Do you know how to listen?

Listening is an absolutely essential skill when you’re an admin in a dental practice—from communicating effectively with other members of the team to helping patients on a daily basis and making them feel like they’re being heard. Your job during the interview is to convince potential employers that you’re a born listener.

4. Do you have attention to detail?

Ask any great admin at any dental practice—large, small, or in between—what the must-have skills are for job success. There’s no doubt that an unflinching attention to detail will show up on every list. From those minor office logistics that help a practice run smoothly to important patient factors, your eye for detail better be razor sharp! If you want to leave your next interview confident that you just landed your next great job, you better have convinced the employer that your attention to detail is undeniable.

5. Do you have a good work ethic?

Employers aren’t going to be thrilled to hire admins who stare blankly at the clock until 5pm hits, just waiting to bolt out the front door and head home. Let’s face it, if you want the job you’ll have to show that you have the extra drive and initiative to solve problems, offer solutions, and do what it takes to get the job done well. Sell potential employers that you have a great work ethic or they’ll quickly show you the door. Are you ready? Master these 5 questions and you’ll have potential employers lining up to hire you!

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