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7 Interview Questions That Will Make You Stand Out

May 2, 2016 Jessie Liu

7 Interview Questions That Will Make You Stand Out

So after submitting hundreds of resumes to various job boards, you finally got an interview scheduled. You are doing your research on the company and the position, learning everything about the interviewers, and rehearsing your answers to potential interview questions. Don't forget to prepare some questions for the interviewers. A huge turn off for interviewers is when the candidate doesn't ask any question. Don't worry, here are 7 questions that will make you stand out and land you the job.

"What is the top priority for the person in this position over the next three months?"

When you ask this question, you are showing initiative and preparing for success right away. This is also a strong opening question that will normally make a great impression because it catches an interviewer off guard.

"What is the single largest problem facing your team right now and would I be in a position to solve it?"

This question might seem a little quirky at first but it encourages the interviewer to envision you already working in the job. It also set you up as someone whom can be counted on.

"Does the company offer additional training or continuing education?"

When you ask this question, you are showing that you are interested in expanding your knowledge and grow with the company.

"Can you walk me through a typical day at (company name)?"

This question shows that you are already planning your first day on the job. It also shows that you want to learn as much about the job as possible, which usually separate you from other candidates.

"What would make someone successful in this position?"

Some might think this as being an "over achiever", but it shows that you are willing to raise the bar and exceed expectations. You are ready to succeed on this job.

"Where do you see the company heading in the next 5 - 10 years?"

Remember the interview question when you are asked, "where do you see yourself in the next x years?" You are asking the same question about the company, it shows that you are looking for a long term career with the company.

"What is the next step in the hiring process?"

Always ask this question even if you know the process already. It shows your eagerness to prepare and it's the best way to finish the interview. Remember, always have confidence in yourself and put forth your best possible effort. Good luck.

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