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Need a future-proof job? These 3 industries are always hiring

Oct 7, 2020 Eric Titner

Need a future-proof job? These 3 industries are always hiring

It’s no overstatement to say that today’s job market is more volatile than it has ever been before. The global pandemic has completely disrupted the way companies of all sizes and across all industries are doing business, and they’re continually adopting new and creative strategies to stay profitable in an extremely uncertain environment—which may mean revisions to staffing and hiring strategies.

Companies are utilizing an increasingly lean, remote, and agile mindset when it comes to meeting their needs are continually pivoting as needed—which is having a significant impact on employees and job hunters. The anxiety around finding and retaining stable employment has never been higher, and for good reason. All of this change and uncertainty may have already disrupted your previous employment and led you to run in search of more stable ground when it comes to finding and holding on to your next job.

Although there’s no such thing as guaranteed employment, there are certain industries that are more future-proof and resistant to external forces—whether a global pandemic or other disruptive conditions—than others. If you’re able to secure a job in one of the 3 following fields, your chances of weathering any oncoming storms in the future are likely better than average.

Delivery services

Regardless of the weather or state of the world, people are always going to need a whole host of things delivered to their doorsteps to meet their needs and make their busy lives easier. In fact, the need for reliable delivery only increases when things are bad—we all know how essential delivery services were through the first few trying months of the pandemic.

The good news is that there are a wide range of employment options available in the delivery space—everything from food to retail package delivery and many things in between. If you look into this job category, chances are you’ll be able to hang onto your job through any future rocky patches.


One of the most resilient and shock-proof fields during the global pandemic, and a field that has exhibited consistent growth over the past several decades, is the tech industry. Simply put, when unexpected events occur and impact businesses, they increasingly turn to technology to help solve problems and determine new ways to pivot and adjust accordingly.

Tech will continue to empower companies across all industries to innovate and lead them into the future. Doesn’t that sound like a mission worth joining? There are a wide range of employment opportunities available at tech companies, and the level of technical savvy and knowhow required for these jobs also varies considerably—so, there’s likely something for nearly everyone based on experience and ability. A bonus: pursuing this industry may kickstart a desire to head back to school or embark upon a training program to enhance your skill set and open new doors for career growth.


Regardless of the current state of the world or what happens in the future, there’s always going to be one unavoidable constant: people will continue to need access to healthcare, and the profession will always need talented and dedicated individuals to ensure the health and well-being of the population. The global pandemic crystallized the importance of having a sufficient number of healthcare professionals to help meet the needs of the people they serve. This means that career opportunities in the healthcare field—from nursing, to pharmaceuticals, to medical technicians, and everything in between—will continue to remain abundant and available.

If you're in search of a “future-proof” job, consider the 3 fields mentioned here to help you add some extra stability to your career path and open yourself up to a wealth of new opportunities. Good luck!

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