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Is it time to break up with your job? Here's how to know

Feb 14, 2022 Guest Contributor

Is it time to break up with your job? Here's how to know

There comes a time to say goodbye to a job and pursue the next. If your current job has you reevaluating your career path — or worse, dreading each workday — you’re not alone. Referred to as The Great Resignation, today’s job market is seeing an upheaval with employees in all stages opting to resign. Below are some standard indications it’s time to move on and find a new job.

A sure sign someone needs to change jobs is when it’s harming his or her well-being. From chronic stress affecting mental health to workplace hazards affecting physical health, there are many concerns the present-day workforce is no longer tolerating. If you are experiencing burnout, facing inadequate safety measures or the work environment has simply become too toxic, a new job could be the relief you need.

Another common reason people are citing as they hand in their notice is no room for advancement. If the opportunities to move up and grow your career aren’t there, find somewhere that will value your contributions and reward them with professional advancement.

The same goes for being underpaid despite being overqualified. If you’re feeling unchallenged or believe your career has stalled, begin the search for a new, exciting position that will offer adequate compensation for your skills and experience.

Lastly, when an individual finds themselves routinely compromising his or her principles, or performing actions he or she finds morally reprehensible, it’s time to move on. Life is too short to work for a company with values and ethics contradictory to your own. If you’re constantly lowering personal standards or not staying true to your authentic self, consider expediting the job hunt.

Are any of these signs relatable? If so, take some time to carefully reevaluate your employment situation and strategize the next move. Keep in mind many markets are competitive. Take any necessary steps to make yourself the most attractive candidate for the desired position.

For more indicators, check out the infographic below!

This infographic was created by Goodwill Car Donations, donate your car today

About the Author:
Goodwill Car Donations is a national organization that accepts vehicle donations. It is committed to providing disadvantaged individuals with job training, employment services, and critical community-building support.

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