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Finding a part time job in retirement

Apr 17, 2019 Eric Titner

Finding a part time job in retirement

Are you a retiree who wants to return to the workforce? If so, you’re in good company, and part of an increasingly expanding group—in fact, AARP recently published an article highlighting the growing trend of older adults who have previously retired from the workforce making a return to gainful employment, often on a part-time basis. The AARP notes that the wave of retirees looking to return to work offers reciprocal benefits—employees get to earn a paycheck and make meaningful use of their available time, while employers benefit from the extensive experience and abilities that these seasoned individuals have to offer.

The reasons behind seeking a part-time job after retiring are personal and varied, and can include the need to supplement retirement savings with additional income, a way to help handle an unexpected expense that pops up, and an opportunity to structure and utilize free time productively.

Whatever your reasons might be for wanting to jump back into the work world, finding a part-time job after retirement can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor, and it pays to do your homework up front to get you started on the right footing.

Know the new rules

Once you’ve made the decision to search for part-time work, you should know from the start that the job hunting game has changed in recent years. If you’re planning to stroll down to the store to pick up a newspaper and peruse the classified ads in search of available jobs, you might be disappointed by the results—sweeping technological innovations, along with the rapidly changing needs of companies across industries have completely changed the game. These days, most job searches are conducted online, so it really pays to get comfortable with some computer basics. If you’re already computer savvy, then great, you can jumpstart your job search and make the most of online resources, including job search sites like Indeed and Monster, and career-focused networking tools like LinkedIn. If your skills are a little rusty or you’re new to this, ask a friend or family member for help or go to your local library for some guidance.

Know the hot fields

When it comes to seeking part-time employment, not all fields are created equal. The truth is, some are more amenable to hiring retirees and taking advantage of the wealth of knowledge and skills they potentially offer. U.S. News and World Report recently published an article highlighting the hottest career fields for senior workers, which span everything from teaching to administrative and sales positions, and lots of other options that just might surprise and inspire you.

The bottom line here is that this jump back into the work world could be considered a “new era” for you, and you aren’t constrained by your past employment history—consider trying something completely new to challenge and motivate you. Use the skill sets you've amassed in your career and figure out how you can apply them to new endeavors.

Use your resources

One of the best things about re-entering the workforce with a lifetime of experience under your belt is that you aren’t starting from ground zero in your job search. In addition to the wealth of experience and skills that you’ve honed over the years, which any wise employer would be thrilled to have, chances are you have a network that you can turn to help get you started. Everyone from former employers to colleagues and contacts that you’ve made over the years, are potentially helpful resources as you search for the ideal part-time position. Even if someone doesn’t have an open position to offer you, they might know of someone who does, so make sure you leverage your assets to the fullest.

Finding a new job after retiring is often not without its challenges, but it’s very often worth the effort—both in terms of added income and in providing new opportunities and a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Use the advice and strategies presented here to help you find the perfect part-time job to suit your needs and life.

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