Job Search Tips Watercooler

Quote The Raven: The ABC’s of Job Searching

ABC of job search

TheJobNetwork’s expert advice series Quote the Raven, hosted by Raven Chiara and her special guests gives you the best advice on finding and keeping a job. In this episode, the team covers the ABC’s of Job Searching.

A is for Apply when Appropriate:

  • Don’t apply at work, dummy!
  • Don’t send an email at 2am drunk, dummy! Use Boomerang for Gmail!

B is for Bringing Your Best:

  • Dress to impress for the interview, you shlub.

C is for Customize Your Communication:

  • Hot Tip!
  • Take words from job description and snap, crackle, pop and sprinkle into your resume and cover letter.
  • Don’t lie. You are not a good liar.
  • Use some tools to pimp your resume ride, like,,

Share your thoughts with us…or your embarrassing job searching stories using #quotetheraven.

Follow the hosts on  Twitter and Instagram @ravenchiara and @whybegee.

About the author

Yoav From Quote The Raven

Yoav B. Guttman is the co-creator and co-host of Quote The Raven, a web series with a quirky take on job seeking and job keeping. He also loves traveling, pretending to be people he is not, giving unsolicitied advice, and hard-boiled eggs. Follow him on Twitter @whybegee or LinkedIn.