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7 Bad Speaking Habits You Should Avoid [Infographic]

Apr 21, 2016 Jessie Liu

7 Bad Speaking Habits You Should Avoid [Infographic]

You're always making an impression in the workplace. Don't make an amateur mistake and think that people don't take note of your casual observations in the break room or whispered hallway complainfests. What you say in the workplace stays in the workplace...and colors how people perceive you and your level of professionalism. You need to remember that you aren't among your buddies–you're at a place of employment, where even the most talented employee can come across as negative, petty, and untrustworthy due to misspeaking in word or in tone. Read on to find Business Insider's 7 Habits of Bad Speakers, and then work to eradicate these habits from your daily speech. JqqjXUe (1)

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