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6 remote work office essentials for your work-from-anywhere life

Dec 9, 2021 Amanda Nunez

6 remote work office essentials for your work-from-anywhere life

While working remotely, creating the perfect workspace is essential to your productivity and happiness. Knowing what you need to succeed when adopting the work-from-home lifestyle is only the beginning; implementing those tools and tricks is an entirely separate step. Below are some remote work essentials and how to use them in your day-to-day duties.

Wireless charging station

If you have a home office to use as a home base, customizing your desk is a great way to ensure your satisfaction with your workspace. Make cord management a breeze by limiting the number of cords on and around your desk with the use of wireless accessories. A wireless charging station is great when you have multiple devices you need to charge throughout the workday. Your phone, headphones, and even your smartwatch can all be charging while you are working without fighting over which device gets use of the outlet first.

Wireless keyboard and mouse

Some other great wireless tools to utilize are a keyboard and mouse. Having a wireless keyboard and mouse on hand can help with that wire management in your home office. Whether you are working on a laptop with a second monitor or on a desktop computer, using these wireless accessories can help streamline your work and minimize the clutter around you. They are also great to take with you on the go when you want to work from a new location.

Blue light glasses

Another wearable accessory to have as a remote worker is a pair of blue light glasses. These glasses help limit the exposure to blue light, the light that emits from the screens we use daily. Too much blue light exposure can lead to things like eye strain, dry eyes, headaches, and fatigue. Buying blue light protection glasses can help keep your eyes healthy and manage these specific symptoms on the days you spend focusing on monthly reports that take up hours of your time. You can obtain these glasses with or without a prescription. For those that already wear glasses daily, you can add blue light protection to your prescription for extra protection.

Noise cancelling headphones

Whether you are working from your home office or a crowded coffee shop, the noises of the world around you can distract you from your work. Purchasing noise-canceling headphones can help eliminate the chatter around you and help you focus on your task at hand. These can be a great asset for the days you work from home and either your kids are home early from school, or your roommate has the day off and is being utterly distracting. Whatever your living situation is, minimizing the effect it has on your work life is important to your continued success as a remote worker.

Cleaning supplies

Taking care of your equipment is vital to your success. Cleaning your computer, keyboard, desk, and any other items you use frequently ensures the functionality of your tools. Using things like a keyboard vacuum to remove dust from your keyboard, wireless or otherwise, can help keep everything running smoothly so it doesn’t disrupt your work. If you use a tablet or any sort of touchscreen device, having a cleaner handy to remove any fingerprints or smudges at the end of each workday can help you start every day fresh with a clean screen to use.

Ergonomic equipment

Efficiency and comfort are the cornerstones of ergonomics. You may have brought a kitchen chair into your office thinking that you weren’t going to work from home for long, but now that months, even years have passed, it is time to invest in your at-home seating. An ergonomic chair is a great purchase for those looking to create a functional home office environment. A comfortable and practical chair is necessary for those long days spent reading through reports and listening to conference calls.

You can also bring ergonomics to your desk with a standing desk. This desk allows you to stand while working on the days you feel you have been sitting for too long. If having a standing desk isn’t an option for the space you have, consider a laptop stand to elevate your laptop to your eye level as a way to help with your posture and efficiency. Integrating functional and comfortable equipment into your office can excite you about your workspace and give you the opportunity to customize your work experience in a way that helps you succeed.

Creating your home workspace is a great way to discover the tools you need to function at your best. You may even consider consulting friends or colleagues that also work remotely about what does and doesn’t work for them to help steer you in the right direction. Filling your office with the essentials of the working-from-home experience can help set you up for long-term success.

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