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Take this quiz to find out what's your most annoying workplace habit

Sep 9, 2017 Rebecca Sewkarran

Take this quiz to find out what's your most annoying workplace habit

The office is like a second home. It's the place where you spend 8-10+ hours daily with the same people around you. Being around the same group of people for that many hours you tend to find out what their most annoying habits are. Whether it is the loud girl that is always talking about how fab her life is or the guy across the room who is always bringing in the tuna sandwich; we all know their habits that makes us cringe. But have we ever stopped to consider just as other people's habits may get under their skin; we just might have the same effect on them? Do you know what your most annoying workplace habit is? This quiz is perfect to help you figure it out; then you can work on stopping it immediately.   <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <div class="pb_feed" data-embed-by="849e55f8-0435-43df-8530-07799c43ae5c" data-item="782af476-04ab-4385-802e-912951bcb3ae" ></div>   Source [PlayBuzz]

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