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7 Summer Work Fashion Mistakes You're Making

May 9, 2016 Kate Lopaze

7 Summer Work Fashion Mistakes You're Making

Summer is coming soon (finally!!), and with those spirit-liberating bursts of warm air, you're going to want to make some changes to your seasonal wardrobe. It's warm, everyone's relaxed, you can be as casual and carefree as you want, right? No. Most definitely NOT right. You don't want to be the person making embarrassing summer work fashion mistakes. Here are the instances where you should resist the impulse to let loose a little too much.

Shorts. Just never a good idea in the office.

...And especially their cousin, jorts (jean shorts)

Pretty much anything you'd wear at a Jimmy Buffet concert

Sunglasses inside, unless you’re Jack Nicholson

Revealing skirts

Any piece of clothing that could be described by the word "booty"

Hats that double as a wet bar.

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