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Top 10 most common resume myths exposed

Oct 17, 2017 Guest Contributor

Top 10 most common resume myths exposed

Finding that perfect job you’ve always strived for and building a successful career is a never-ending process which involves lots of different activities. Arguably, the most important aspect of your job search is building an impressive resume that will increase your chance of landing that dream job. There is plenty of information online about how you can write a resume, but the trouble is that lots of those articles perpetuate certain myths about resume writing, or are simply out of date. As a result, lots of candidates fail to get hired, despite having outstanding qualifications. In order to avoid making the same mistakes as everyone else, here are 10 most common resume myths you need to be aware of: Myth One: One-Page resume This one might make sense if you are fresh out of college. But, if you are an experienced professional that's been in the business for a while, one page will probably not be enough to list all of your qualifications, job experience, and skills. Feel free to go over one page and include everything that you think is relevant. Myth Two: Include Your Entire Work History While it's important to provide a clear idea about your work experience, you don't need to include every single job that you have ever worked. Focus on those jobs which are relevant to the job position you are applying for, and even then, focus on the last 10 years or so. Myth Three: Hide Your Work Gaps Considering the way the job market is these days, nobody will fault you for having work gaps inside your resume. Instead of hiding them, include them and provide a short explanation about each one in your cover letter. Also, volunteering can help you bridge those gaps and makes your resume look better. Myth Four: Provide a Detailed List of Your Duties for Each Job Position Your future employers do not care about every single detail of your previous job. The only thing they are concerned about is how you can contribute to their company, as well as relevant projects you have completed at your previous job, regardless of your job position or duties. Myth Five: Your Resume Needs to Be Creative You will come across different opinions on this one. It really depends on the company you are trying to apply with. Some are more liberal and like it when candidates think outside the box, while others are more conservative and don’t like unconventional resumes. It’s up to you to do the research. Myth Six: Your Photo Is Not Needed While it’s true that you will be hired based on your skills and qualifications, and not the way you look, you still should include a photo of yourself. If you don’t, you will leave a bad impression on the recruiters. Plus, we live in a visual age, so it’s only natural for your resume to feature your photo. Myth Seven: Form Doesn’t Matter Of course, what you put on your resume is essential, but it would be a mistake to neglect the form completely. Keep in mind that the recruiters go through hundreds of resumes for every job, and they are used to a particular resume structure. Myth Eight: Your Resume Should Contain Your Entire Professional and Personal History Yes, you definitely need to include all relevant information about yourself but your resume should not look like your autobiography. It should be more about your goals for the future, your abilities, and what you plan to do as far as your career is concerned. Myth Nine: Send the Same Resume to Everyone Sending out the same resume might save you some time, but it hurts your chances of being hired. It would be perfect if you could create a custom resume for every job opening so that it's tailored to the needs of the company. Also, you will need to update the list of your previous jobs and replace the ones which are less relevant. Myth Ten: You Need to Keep at It Getting a new job requires persistence, but that doesn't mean you should email the companies you have applied with just days after. If they don't call you right away, give it time and then reach out to them in a couple of weeks. If they decide not to hire you, ask for an internship. And if none of that works, you still have other companies. Besides, if you don't have a job at the moment, you can use your free time to attend courses, volunteer, or master new skills which will help you enhance your resume. Now that you are no longer confused by 10 most common resume misconceptions it is the perfect time to write the ideal job application that will get you hired by your dream company. Start right away! About the author: Zoe Carter is a lifestyle blogger, digital nomad and editor at She is always in search for innovative ideas for learning languages and developing writing skills. You can chat with her on Facebook and Twitter.  

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