Sep 25, 2015 ● Ben Bolasny
The Journey To Become Pope Francis
Jorge Mario Bergoglio
San Roberto Bellarmino. Rome Italy
Theological Education
Salesian School 1980- Mentorship under Ukranian Greek Priest Stefan Czmil
- Awoke hours before class to serve Mass for Czmil
- Licentiate in Philosophy
- Studied Humanities
Secular Education
Escuela Tecnica Industrial No. 27 Hipolito Yrigoyen 1954
- Chemical Technician's Diploma
Employment & Accomplishments
San Roberto Bellarmino - Cardinal-Priest 2001
Awarded cardinal by Pope John Paul II
Appointed to five administrative positions within the Roman Curia
Participated in 2005 papal conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI
Ordained as Tituar Bishop of Acua serving as principal consecrator
Celebrated Holy Thursday washing feet in jails, hospitals, retirement homes and slums
Society of Jesus of Agentina - Provincial Superior 1973
Supervised institutes within province and presided over deliberations
Ensured orders of the General Chapter and Superior General were properly carried out
Facultades de Filosofia y Teologia de San Miguel 1969
- Ordained to priesthood
Served as master of novices for province and taught as professor of theology
Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion - High School teacher 1960
Taught psychology and literature
Fostered growth and development of teenagers through lectures and discussion
Buenos Aires Nightclub - Bouncer 1956
- Checked IDs and monitored front of house for trouble makers
- Swept floors, maintained cleanliness and janitorial duties
Hickethier-Bachmann Laborary - Lab Technician 1952
Ran tests in food section of chemical laboratory
Analyzed and reported test results
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