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4 Ways to Make a Short Resume Longer

Jul 11, 2016 Peter Jones

4 Ways to Make a Short Resume Longer

Resume too short? The first question to ask yourself is probably the ever controversial “one page or two”? The debate rages on, but all you need to decide is how long your resume should be. If you’re fairly advanced in your career and have more pertinent experience than you can fit onto one page, then two (or more) pages is encouraged. If you’re starting out, however, the general rule of one-page should probably still apply. Either way, if you feel your resume is a little on the thin side, and not quite at the length you think is most appropriate, here are four tips to beefing it out.

1. Add your achievements

Your achievements can be just as relevant as where you went to school. Try to find a way to put them in context. Include a few statements to show how your particular strengths and achievements prove that you have what it takes for a particular job. You can also list any major accomplishments in previous jobs (or really any instances in which your performance was remarkable—and relevant).

2. Add to your work history

Your work history is one of the first and most important things a potential hirer will look at on your resume. If you don’t have numerous relevant job titles to list, you can include work experience you gained in internships or training programs over the course of your education. You could even include volunteer experience here. The most important thing is to make sure each thing you do list adds to the picture of you as a viable candidate for a particular job. Flesh out the descriptions of what you did and learned in each previous position to paint a broader picture of your qualifications.

3. Say more about your skills

When in doubt, add extra skills. If you have two or three listed, make it four, or even five. Just make sure to choose these well. Read job descriptions carefully and choose the skills that will best set you up for impressing the hiring manager and landing yourself an interview.

4. Include your hobbies

This is sometimes controversial, but a good bet if you’re running short on content. If you have any particularly fascinating hobbies or interests—particularly ones which drawn on, broaden, or expand your relevant skills and strengths and experience—then these can be included on your resume. It gives recruiters insight into your personality and can be a great way of showing (subtly) how you’d fit within a company culture. Choose wisely. But don’t be shy of adding some of these extra details to augment your chances of getting the job.  

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