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[WATCH] What does it really mean to be rich and wealthy?

Apr 3, 2018 Daily Fuel

[WATCH] What does it really mean to be rich and wealthy?

Lifestyle entrepreneur Erin Gavle seemingly had it all; excellent degree from a very well respected university and a high paying advertising job in Manhattan.  But she soon realized what she didn’t have was what mattered most - fulfillment. So she left it all behind, packed her belongings in a van, and lived out of it for six months in southern California, thinking about what she wanted to do with the balance of her life. She eventually decided to return to her Midwestern hometown and open a general store called El Dorado.  Erin sat down with Daily Fuel to talk about what her version of wealth truly is, and her insights are invaluable for anyone contemplating their next professionally satisfying move. Source: [DailyFuel]

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