Feb 17, 2016 ● Peter Jones
How to Quit Your Job Professionally
You’ve made plenty of mistakes; we all have. If you think about your entire career, the list can get pretty long. But there’s always the threat of making bigger mistakes, especially the kind you make by playing it just a little bit too safe.
Are you feeling stuck in your job? Unsatisfied? Like the career you’ve always dreamed of keeps slipping further and further away? Convincing yourself to stay because it’s the path of least resistance can be the final nail in the coffin of your fulfillment.
If you’re brave enough to take the leap and have decided to quit your job, remember these three things:
Stretch Out
If you’re ready to make big, scary changes, you’re ready to be more flexible. In fact, you might have to be. Open yourself up to new positions and industries outside your comfort zone. Take a chance on yourself in the interests of your future.Pay it Forward
If there’s something you don’t know how to do, something that’s holding you back, take steps. Invest in yourself and in new skills that can take your career to the next level. A little passion and personal development now can pay off in the long run.Keep Connected
Your current and past coworkers are the bottom of the pyramid. Maintain your relationships, build lasting connections, and never miss an opportunity to grow your network. You’ll never know when you will need it. The better you engage with your colleagues now, the better you’ll be equipped to engage with the people you meet in your next position. The bottom line is this: start behaving as though you already have your dream career, and it’ll be that much easier to step into it when you do find it.Share via: