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6 WARNING Signs You're Getting Fired

Jul 6, 2016 Peter Jones

6 WARNING Signs You're Getting Fired

Afraid you might lose your job? Are you starting to hide from your boss when you see her coming? Rather than live in fear, why not confront the situation and consider the following 6 warning signs you're getting fired? That way you could maybe even do something about it and avoid the inevitable. You could try to turn things around at your current company or start looking for a new job while you still have the safety net of a paycheck. Here are the top 6 warning signs you're getting fired:

1. Role shift

Your job has changed, and not for the better. If your role suddenly shifts or you’re moved to a different department without explanation, and that move is lateral—i.e. you haven’t been promoted, then you’re probably in the danger zone.

2. More responsibilities, same pay

If you’ve been given lots more to do, or some more difficult projects, but you haven’t been given a pay bump to go with it, then that probably means you’re absorbing the work of someone who was laid off—or someone they were planning on hiring but didn’t, for whatever reason. It’s never a good sign to be asked to do more without being compensated. Keep your eyes open from here on out.

3. The top dogs are jumping ship

If your company’s top performers are bailing and taking jobs elsewhere, then you might do well to follow them. Trust that they best guys know where to go in order to be valued. And ask yourself why you’re not doing the same.

4. Your industry is over

Okay, maybe not over, but sort of sinking. Your company may be okay, but your industry is experiencing a bit of a lull or lag. Don’t get complacent. Start thinking how your skills and position might translate into other fields and don’t get caught with your pants down.

5. Your company has a new strategy

This implies that the old one wasn’t working so well. Try to avoid becoming associated with that old strategy, or risk getting thrown out along with it.

6. Your company relocates

Any time a company moves, they jettison a lot of their extra weight and expensive employees. You could be one casualty of their cost-cutting.

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