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6 Tips for Improving a Job Seeker's Online Reputation

Oct 23, 2015 Jessie Liu

6 Tips for Improving a Job Seeker's Online Reputation

Managing your online reputation can help you get a job because it allows you to present your accomplishments and assets to companies wanting to hire. However, if your online reputation is less than good, it can have the opposite effect and keep you from finding your dream job. A few tips on managing your online reputation can make all the difference. According to a survey conducted on social media, 52 percent of recruiters use social media sites to help assess potential job candidates.

1. Fight the Negative With the Positive

Individuals who Google themselves are sometimes surprised to see something negative pop up that happened years ago. For example, an ugly argument with someone or a photograph that doesn't represent someone in a positive light can appear. The only real way to counteract negativity is to use positive posts to force the negative ones down in the ratings. Individuals who Google an individual, topic or other items generally don't go past the first two or three page.

2. Use LinkedIn to Your Advantage

LinkedIn is a great place to list your previous jobs, tenure and what you accomplished that benefitted those employers. You might even want to include links to some of your work so that recruiters can see what you have accomplished. Show a little of your personality by including why you picked a particular field and what you use for motivation. Don't overlook the Recommendations feature. Use it to invite co-workers, bosses and clients to share what an asset you are as an employee.

3. Pay Attention to Grammar and Spelling

Even if the cover letter and resume you sent to apply for a job was perfect, pay attention to your spelling and grammar when you post on social media. Poor spelling or grammar is a turnoff for recruiters and can end up costing you a potential interview. Saying that you were in a hurry is no excuse. Recruiters may look upon more than the occasional error as a lack of attention to detail and that could reflect negatively on your chances.

4. Skip Controversial Subjects

While you may be keenly interested in politics, it might be a better idea to keep this type of post off social media. Recruiters at some companies may not be as appreciative of your opinion of the current slate of candidates, especially if it becomes heated. However, recruiters will look at what your interests are and whether you engage in discussions with others. This is an opportunity for you to present a positive side to a recruiter.

5. Offensive or Thoughtless Posts on Social Media

In a word - don't. Getting into a discussion on social media is one thing and can leave a positive impression on a recruiter. Getting into an argument that turns nasty is another. Talking negatively about religion, politics, other people's customs or sexual orientation can be found on Google without too much effort and reflects badly on the job candidate, according to recruiters. In addition, talking about and posting photos of the great beer bash from the previous weekend and other things of this nature is not a good idea.

6. Use Social Media Professionally

Start with your personal website and check through it. Remove posts that may not show you in a favorable light, such as the weekend party with unflattering photos. Instead, use your personal website to share positive work experiences. You can even use it to show off your work history and include a link that can be downloaded. Do the same thing with your LinkedIn profile, Twitter account and Instagram. This is a good opportunity to be creative and show off what you know and what you can do. Using social media is one way a recruiter scouts out a candidate for a job. If there are other candidates for the same job, what you have posted on your social media accounts can make the difference in whether you will be considered for an interview. Having a good reputation online can help get your foot in that door. Just as social media can be used in a positive way to help land you an interview for a job, using the right job site can help in the same way. TheJobNetwork does exactly that. When you sign up for job match alert, TheJobNetwork seeks job listings for you around the clock and alerts you as soon as new jobs open. In addition, you can use this job site to conduct your own job search.

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