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5 Myths Stopping You From Getting Promoted

Apr 17, 2016 Peter Jones

5 Myths Stopping You From Getting Promoted

You know you deserved that promotion, and probably the one before that. People who are newer to the company and not getting the same results you are seem to be getting all of the recognition while you feel left behind. How can you get noticed by the higher-ups doing the noticing? Here are 5 myths you need to debunk right away if getting a promotion is your end goal.

1. Everybody knows you're a hard worker.

Just because you work hard, doesn’t mean people notice. And certainly not higher-ups who may not interact with you on a daily basis. For all you know, a middle manager could be taking all the credit that should be yours. Find a way to let your boss know when you score big or do especially well. Toot your own horn. Don’t be a braggart, but play it smart. They’ll never reward your hard work if they don’t know about it.

2. Your boss knows you want to be promoted.

If you haven’t told your boss explicitly what your ambitions are, and how you’d like to move up in your field, then chances are good she doesn’t know. Not everybody wants to use every job as a springboard higher up the ladder. Some people are quite content to stay in one position for a decade or two. Make your wishes known and ask your boss for her help in your career development. She’ll be flattered and she’ll know exactly what you want when new opportunities open up.

3. Your friend would never go after something you want so much.

It’s lovely to have close friends among our colleagues. But keep in mind, this is their livelihood too. Just because you’re pals doesn’t mean your pal won’t throw their hat in the same ring after your coveted promotion. It’s business, after all. Keep your eyes open and don’t miss any chances.

4. HR posts all the openings.

Sometimes, positions open up and are filled before HR has the chance to make it public. Keep your ear to the ground and pay attention when people in other departments are chatting about their teams. If you hear of someone about to leave, or applying out or up, get on putting yourself out there to replace them before someone else does.

5. You're not supposed be involved with other departments.

If you’ve struck up an interest or affinity with another department or another manager, that’s fine. As long as your work is getting done—and well—there’s no problem pitching in and helping out. That’s a great way to position yourself should any openings come up in that department. Your boss will be fine with it, provided you don’t let it interfere with your work for her and in your current department. Make sure you’re in the game before you complain about being left out of it.

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