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Everything You Need to Know For Your Part-Time Job Search

Apr 25, 2017 Kate Lopaze

Everything You Need to Know For Your Part-Time Job Search

Not every job search is for a full-time career path. Sometimes you want a second job to make ends meet, or something flexible to help you balance other parts of your life. Whatever the case, we’ve got you covered in your hunt for a part-time job!

Determine What You Want

First, figure out what you want out of your part-time job—what are your goals? Do you have specific needs? Do you need a job with benefits? Do you need a flexible or unusual schedule so you can have a second job or manage schoolwork? Are you juggling work and family obligations? Whatever your niche, we can help you find those targeted opportunities. Do you need to obtain benefits in addition to your normal paycheck? 10 Companies That Offer Part-Time Jobs with Benefits Do you have to fit your job into a life that's already filled with lots of obligations? Top 12 High-Paying Part-Time Jobs with Good Work-Life Balance Best Part-Time Jobs for Moms in 2017 5 Great Part-Time Jobs for College Students If you have the flexibility to flip your schedule a bit from the typical setup, you could consider a night job. 15 Great Part-Time Jobs for Night Owls And if you're homebound, or prefer to work from the comfort of your PJs, go for a work-from-home setup. What Are Some Part-Time Jobs You Can Do from Home?

Find a Gig that Pays the Bills

If your main goal for your part-time gig is “money” (which is totally valid too!), then there are plenty of opportunities are out there, no matter the number of hours you have available to work every week. These Part-Time Jobs Can Earn You $75K a Year 9 Part-Time Jobs That Pay Very Well 10 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs 15 Part-Time Jobs That Pay More Than $40 Per Hour (And How to Get Them) 21 Part-Time Jobs That Pay More Than $20 An Hour

Prepping Your Resume to Get the Job You Want

Once you’ve figure out what kinds of part-time jobs you want to pursue, it’s time to dig in and revamp your application package. As always, that starts with a good old-fashioned resume overhaul. Don't rush through a proper resume just because you're pursuing a part-time gig. Competition is always tough, and you want to put your best foot forward to let hiring managers know you're serious about the job. 10 Things You Should Remove From Your Resume in 2017 Resume Format Guide: What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2017 8 Warning Signs You Need to Update Your Resume What Is the Best Format for a Resume? 11 Steps to Writing the Perfect Resume How to Create a Resume Packed with Action Words

Get Ready for the Interview Process

Not all hiring processes are one-size-fits-all—your part-time job search may include interviews that seem more casual, or are slightly different from the standard interview suit/firm handshake/firing squad template. Basically, you should be prepared to be flexible and act fast to jump on opportunities. 6 Part Time Job Interview Strategies You Must Know Ask These 10 Questions to Impress Your Hiring Manager The Most Popular Macy’s Interview Questions How to Look Like a Star in Any Job Interview How to Prepare for a Remote Interview

Turn It Into Something More Permanent

And after you’ve got your part-time job, you may decide it’s time to take it full-time. We’ve got your back on that, too! It's common for companies to take on employees to see how they adapt into the company culture before hiring them on permanently. Also, it makes sense that you, if you find you're gelling with your coworkers, manager, and the company culture, might want to stick around for a while, and for more hours a week. 10 Tips for Turning Your Contract Job into a Permanent One 10 Ways to Turn Your Part-Time Job into a Full-Time One Good luck! If you have any tips or stories about your own part-time job hunt, we’d love to hear them.

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