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6 industries for the perfect part-time job

Sep 18, 2020 Guest Contributor

6 industries for the perfect part-time job

Part-time jobs can be a great way to supplement your income and grow in your career journey. Whether you are looking for additional funds for an upcoming vacation or want to find a way to spend your free time, a part-time job could be the perfect fit for you!

If you are looking for some industries in which you can learn, grow, AND make some money, look no further.

Delivery services

Some of the most popular part-time jobs these days are those in delivery services. Finding a job with a delivery service should be fun, given the number of delivery services there are right now! There are companies where you can work part-time autonomously delivering food, flowers, packages, and more.  For example, Amazon Flex offers wages between $10 to $20 per hour. There are also other companies like Uber, Caviar, Postmates, DoorDash, or goPuff, where you can apply to become a part of their team. Go forth and deliver!

Pet care

There are more and more opportunities, especially in bigger cities, where you can work taking care of pets. Whether it is a single walk or house-sitting event, or a daily walk for a few dogs, you can find the perfect fit for you! Through companies like Rover, Wag, and posting on local neighborhood sites, you can find so many opportunities for taking care of different animals.

Content creator

Every strong business today is delivering some form of online marketing content, whether it is Instagram or LinkedIn or a personal website. With everyone fighting to get the attention of new customers, the demand for excellent content creators grows every day. If you have graphic design skills, try to find some freelance content creation sites to help a business build their brand while working from your home!

Event planning and decorating

Have you ever been to a beautifully decorated party or home and wonder how they did it? They probably had someone else help! Most people don't want to decorate their parties or events, and they'd much rather have someone else worry about the details. Look for some decorating jobs near you, whether it is event or home-based, such as staging houses, and see if any companies are interested in your decorating skills!

Online marketplace

This one is fun! If you are good at designing and would like to design T-shirts, there are a series of web portals where you can upload your designs and earn money from T-shirts and other items that are sold with them. Some of the best-known outlets are:

Spreadshirt -

CafePress -

Design By Humans -

Zazzle -

If T-shirts specifically aren't your thing, Esty is a fantastic website that you can use to sell everything and anything like jewelry, beauty products, plants, knitting, and more. Once they are created, post them and sell them to customers! Selling your creations is a fantastic way to use your hobby as a part-time job. When you come home from work or school and want to knit, paint, or build, think of ways that you could make it for someone else, and enjoy the smile on both of your faces when you create the perfect product for someone.

Contract out your skills

Independent work or freelancing is a way to use the skills you have already developed to increase your earnings. Many employers do not want to get involved in adding an employee to the payroll, and the opportunities to use your specific expertise are abundant. You can work as much or as little as you like, doing what you do best. If you're unsure about what you can do, look through the jobs at Upwork for some ideas.

There are so many opportunities for you to work part-time and earn extra income, and this is just the tip of the iceberg! The best advice we can give you is to get out there and start looking. Nearly everything you see or use in your life can be turned into an opportunity to hone your skills and start making money part-time from it. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Think about the industry you want to work in first, then narrow it down from there!

Job seeking sites or apps like Indeed, JobGet, or Monster is a great place to start your part-time job search.  On most of these sites, you'll find search filters where you can select what type of job you want to see. To do this, you can check the "part-time job" box to know all the opportunities available in that area.

About the Author:
Caroline Forrest graduated from Stonehill College with a Bachelor’s in Psychology in 2016. She worked at various non-profit organizations until finding a Boston-based software startup company, JobGet, that focuses on helping people find jobs. She is currently the Director of Community Outreach and Operations at JobGet and is excited to be working in the start-up world. As Director, Caroline works on implementing programs with the Boston community and beyond to streamline the way that people find jobs. In addition to community work, Caroline contributes to building the company by managing various systems-based roles such as content marketing and communications.

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