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5 Great Part-Time Jobs for College Students

Mar 29, 2015 Joanna Hughes

5 Great Part-Time Jobs for College Students

Let's face it: college isn't cheap. From tuition, room and board, and books to incidentals like travel expenses, social activities, and the occasional beer or two, the costs add up. You could sell your organs, but there are easier ways to make a quick buck. Not only that, but the right part-time job looks terrific on your resume and just may position you for career success after graduation. Let's take a closer look at five of the best part-time jobs for college students.

1. College Tour Guide

Just how good is this gig? USA Today actually ran an article on the many perks of being a tour guide. Not only do you get great swag and access to exclusive events and social networking opportunities, but you also have the opportunity to hone your communication skills. This practice will come in handy whether you're delivering an in-class presentation or undergoing a job interview. The competition may be steep for these jobs, but the rewards are big and will continue to pay off in professionalism, confidence, and leadership. Even better? According to some reports, college tour guides make as much as $13/hour -- not too shabby for backward walking through the hallowed halls of your institution.

2. Library/Computer Lab Monitor

Love books? How about peace and quiet? If so, a library monitor position may be the ideal fit for you. Library monitors have a number of different responsibilities -- from checking out books at the circulation desk to scanning, sorting, and shelving them. Organization is a helpful trait for library monitors, as is helpfulness: you will likely be frequently called upon to help other students do everything from using the school computers to finding information on academic topics. If library stacks feel like home to you, a library monitor job may be the perfect fit. Computer monitors and library monitors share many common responsibilities, although computer monitors should also have strong computer literacy. And while library monitors and computer lab monitors might not haul in the biggest bucks, they typically come with an ample amount of downtime meaning the opportunity to pursue your own studies while on the job.

3. Fitness Instructor

If fitness is already a large part of your life, why not get paid for it? Whether you are devoted to your yoga practice or enjoy the energy of Zumba, university recreation centers are always on the lookout for enthusiastic talent. If you love helping people discover their own personal passion for health and fitness, this job offers the perfect opportunity to make a different while honing your leadership skills and making more than $15/hour.

4. Residential Assistant

Today's employers are always on the lookout for tomorrow's business leaders and innovators. One way to stand out from the crowd? Apply to be a residential assistant (RA). RA positions are coveted, and with good reason: not only is your room and board typically covered as compensation, but this job also gives you the tremendous opportunity to play an important role in the lives of incoming students. You will also have the chance to learn the ins and outs of everything going on around your campus while interacting with diverse people and learning valuable life skills in the process.

5. Tutor

Wherever there are students, there are people in need of some extra academic help. Whether you're an ace at math or a whiz with the written word, there are plenty of opportunities for tutoring jobs -- both on and off campus. The hours are flexible and can be done either online or in person. An added benefit? Parents are willing to fork over big bucks to help their kids succeed in in their academic studies. Tutoring is also a great way for you to revisit past materials for mastery. Get paid to share your smarts. There are many great-part time jobs for college students depending on your strengths, skills and interests. Want a jump start on finding the perfect one? Sign up for the TheJobNetwork's Real-Time job matching, which connects job seekers with employers based on your individual needs and preferences.

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