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Slash Your Job Search Time In 3 Simple Steps

Apr 12, 2016 Peter Jones

Slash Your Job Search Time In 3 Simple Steps

Old-fashioned job search methods are proving to be just that: old-fashioned. The newspaper classifieds section is something of a laughingstock, and blasting resumes and cover letters blindly into online application systems is almost just as silly. The face of job hunting has changed. Be on the cutting edge, and cut your job search time in half with these 3 simple steps.

Find the Voice Behind the Curtain

In this case, that just means: find the hiring manager. Especially when traditional channels aren’t getting you very far. Go straight to the source. The hiring manager will have fewer filters in place to keep out the likes of you, so you have a better chance of making a connection and getting your application noticed. Use a combination of LinkedIn and the company’s website to find out who your best point of contact would be, then draft the classiest, most professional email you can. When in doubt, send the following two things to the department manager you’d be working with directly:

Create a Pain Letter

Think of this as a cover letter plus. A pain letter, in case you’re unfamiliar with the term, is a letter in which you try to sell yourself to the prospective company by identifying something that pains them, and showing yourself in the unique and perfect light to fix it. Maybe you explain how you solved a similar problem before, at a previous company, or how you filled a similar gap before—with great success. Don’t forget to pump up the company a bit; don’t just list its faults and weak spots! Do emphasize how grateful you’d be for an opportunity to help take them to the next level of greatness.

Humanize Your Resume

We sometimes make the mistake of sounding too cold and removed in our job application materials—like we’re trying to be super professional. But, we end up sounding kind of dry and robotic. Instead, try wording your resume in the first person, with an emphasis on what your particular skills and experience can contribute to the organization.

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