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Hiring Trends Show Older Workers in Demand

Jul 30, 2015 Joanna Hughes

Hiring Trends Show Older Workers in Demand

According to U.S. News and World Report, 70 percent of human resource experts believe older workers have a strong work ethic. Based on the number of adults over the age of 50 who are part of the workforce, this assessment seems accurate. For older Americans seeking employment, the need many companies have for their skills and experience makes finding a job easier.

How Have Workforce Age Dynamics Changed?

Companies are hiring more workers age 50 and older, and this trend is growing. Even before the Great Recession, mature workers age 65 and older were working than in the past. However, with fluctuations in the economy came a decrease in pension plans and other forms of worker security. This evolution opened the floodgates to older workers since it helped to level hiring practices. The number of older workers increased, and replacing them with workers who have the same level of skill and experience is difficult. A shortage of qualified workers is continuing to grow, and estimates indicate this will continue in the years ahead.

Why Older Works Are Sought

According to the Society for Human Resource Management, workers over 50 show greater job engagement than younger workers. This is a key ingredient in a company's growth. Other factors favoring older workers are their experience and skill subset, according to 77 percent of employers questioned. Assembly line workers between the ages of 50 and 65 have increased productivity due to a decrease in errors. Seventy-one percent of employers also said that older workers exhibit greater professionalism, a trait that is highly valued. An AARP study, done in 2015, showed that older workers have lower turnover rates and that company cost to train new workers is decreased.

Baby Boomers Are Part of the Workforce

Some older workers are unable to retire due to economic considerations, while some have grown children to support. In addition, some want to stay engaged and feel working is a means to that end. This need has resulted in many workers seeking employment. Getting a job with the growing number of companies who seek older employees means setting up a plan to accomplish that. Since older Americans are computer literate, according to the Pew Research Center, the search for full-time or part-time jobs for seniors is done online. Searching job sites can be time consuming, and developing a job search strategy is important.

TheJobNetwork Can Help

Older workers who wish to search job sites online might be interested in TheJobNetwork's platform. By setting up a profile listing skills, experience and job preferences, searching is consolidated and takes less time. This job search site lets you look for jobs in your field, and jobs are constantly updated, ensuring that a listed opportunities are available and new jobs are posted on a 24-hour basis. In addition, you can post your resume, listing your education, training and skills, and the platform will search for jobs as they become available that match your qualifications. Matches are ranked according to how closely they match what you want. Searching TheJobNetwork may help the older worker find the type of job he or she is looking for online. Using this platform may help you bring your skills and experience to a company that would benefit from your presence.

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