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8 Ways to Make Your Job Search Easier

Jan 17, 2016 Jessie Liu

8 Ways to Make Your Job Search Easier

If you are thinking of starting a job search, it is a good idea to decide what you need to do beforehand. Laying out a plan in advance and using modern job-search techniques can help you get a job more quickly and find just the position you want. A few handy tips can get you started on the road to satisfying employment and make it easier while you are looking.

1. Connect Using Social Media and Friends

You've updated your resume and are ready to look at classified job ads, but today's resumes are usually no more than two pages. You might not have enough room to list everything you want. There are other ways to get added space to sing your own praises. Now is a good time to jazz up your LinkedIn page, use Facebook to mention that you are job hunting, and take advantage of your personal webpage if you have one. Sometimes, jobs can come from introductions or referrals, so let friends and former coworkers know you are scouting.

2. Examine What Makes You Special and Use It

You know you have talents and experience that can help you get a job. Examine your qualifications and talents and job search in that direction. Confidence in what you have to offer to a company is more likely to land you the position you want. Let your resume reflect your expertise. Companies will notice.

3. Don't Take It Personally

You probably won't hear back from many of the job applications you put in, but shouldn't take it personally. Recruiters can receive hundreds of job applications per week. Their main focus is finding the right person for the job. If you don't hear back, send an email or make a phone call to make sure your application wasn't overlooked, and then move on if you don't receive a positive response.

4. Don't Waste Your Time

You've spotted what you think is the perfect job but don't have the necessary qualifications. Should you pursue it anyway? This is a major problem faced by recruiters, and the reason many applicants do not hear back. It not only wastes their time but yours also. Apply for jobs for which you are qualified. If you want to move up on the ladder, get the necessary skills first.

5. Focusing on Your Job Search

Be smart about your job search. While some job openings are still posted in newspapers, many companies use online job search sites to post openings. Other companies do the job search for you, freeing up your time so you can concentrate on other aspects of your search, such as doing follow ups. Before starting a job search, think about the most efficient way to approach it and follow through.

6. Using a Stock Resume

Applicants for a job are more likely to get a callback if the resume is focused on the position for which they are applying. Sending out the same resume for every position is less likely to be noticed by a recruiter, no matter how good that resume is. If you spot a job opening that you find exciting, focus your resume on that job, and it can put you at an advantage over other candidates.

7. Don't Get Overwhelmed

There are many jobs available, and you know you are a talented worker. However, spreading yourself too thin by applying to many different types of jobs within your category can be a mistake. Try to concentrate on one or two areas to conduct the most effective search, and you are more likely to be rewarded with good results.

8. Think About Salary Before Being Interviewed

If you are applying for a job where the salary is listed, can you live on it or does it have opportunities for advancement? If not, move on to other job listings. Many positions these days require that you state your salary requirements. This can be awkward in an interview if you haven't done your research. If you are called for an interview, research the company to come up with a salary range and present a range, not a fixed salary. The company for which you are applying for a job probably has a salary range already in mind, and you are more likely to get hired if your salary requirements fall within that range. Beginning a job search in these days of strong competition takes skill and preparation. Classified job ads can be outdated and have many applicants. TheJobNetwork takes the stress out of job hunting by doing the heavy work for you. All you have to do is list your job interests and qualifications, and you will receive prompt notices of job openings that match in the form of email alerts. Sign up with TheJobNetwork, and you can job hunt the easy way.

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