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7 Places to Look for Part-time Jobs

Sep 7, 2015 Joanna Hughes

7 Places to Look for Part-time Jobs

Part-time jobs are a great opportunity to earn income and/or develop a new skill set if you don't the time or flexibility to commit to a full-time job. Unfortunately, finding a part-time job is not as simple as you might think. Consider these seven tried and true places to look in order to avoid ending up among the ranks of frustrated part-time job seekers.

1. Local Staffing Agencies

While some staffing agencies work only with candidates seeking full-time jobs, others specialize in flexible work arrangements and may have extensive connections with employers looking to fill part-time or seasonal positions. Contact local staffing agencies to find one that meets your needs.

2. Classified Ads—Print and Online

While the days of searching your local newspaper listings with a red pen in hand may be coming to an end, the classifieds remain a viable source for finding part-time work. Online help wanted advertising sites also contain part-time employment opportunities. And don't forget about sites like Craigslist, which may contain less traditional jobs with more flexible hours. One word of caution: when using Craigslist and similar sites, be sure to take safety measures when it comes to giving out personal information and refrain from accepting interviews at non-public locations.

3. Online Job Boards

Because online job boards are searchable, they make it easier than ever to find a job that suits both your skill set and time constraints. Using the site-provided filter, narrow your search to part-time jobs and see only those that make sense for your schedule.

4. Unemployment Agencies

Do you think of unemployment agencies as the places to go when you don't have a job, as opposed to when you're looking for one? Think again. Aimed at helping people find work, unemployment agencies maintain databases of current local openings. These may include both full-time and part-time opportunities in industries ranging from food service to retail to healthcare.

5. Shoot Small

Many smaller companies, including startups and "solopreneurs," are more willing to offer employees flexibility in the workplace. Why? Because they may not yet have the funds or workload to support a full-time employee, or may lack sufficient office space for another full-time worker. Expanding your search beyond corporate into smaller—and often specialized organizations, such as non-profits, museums, libraries, and churches—can yield results.

6. Network, Network, Network

Many employers aren't eager to waste time and resources advertising part-time jobs. This is where your network comes in. If you let friends—both in person and online—know that you're looking for part-time work, you'll likely be pleasantly surprised by what turns up.

7. Consider Freelance

A new breed of freelance job boards—such as eLance and oDesk—offer scores of contract and freelance jobs for everyone from software programmers to creative writers. If you're looking for a part-time job that allows you to work from home, these niche job sites deliver. While finding part-time employment can be a challenge, perseverance—and knowing where to look—will ultimately pay off in the form of a job that not only meets your scheduling needs, but also your unique skill set.

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