Nov 21, 2016 ● Peter Jones
5 Ways Students Can Use Thanksgiving Vacation to Start a Job Search
So you need to start looking for a job post-graduation, and it’s Thanksgiving break. Feeling overwhelmed? Family stressing you out with questions? Here are 5 ways you can get yourself going over your Thanksgiving vacation even while you’re dealing with extended family badgering and in a food coma.
1. Don’t hide from questions.
Instead of hiding from the “So what do you want to do after you graduate?” questions, seek them out. Your family and friends know your interests and strengths best. They also might have leads you wouldn’t have access to otherwise and be more than willing to help! Figure out a way to initiate the question if no one’s asking. Ask relatives about their careers and what they did when they graduated. Ask for ideas for figuring out how to turn your favorite class or major into a job idea.2. Pad your winter break.
We know you usually spend winter break catching up on sleep. But you’ll want to use your last one while you have it. Use this November break to set up interviews, internships, job shadows, and informal coffee chats with potential mentors or contacts. See if you can meet with a local alum to pick their brain. And start working on your applications!3. Learn something new.
Your GPA isn’t the only thing you need to work on. Skills and experience are invaluable in proving yourself marketable to future employers. Take advantage of your extra free time (while you have it) to learn a new skill or pad your resume. Try coding, Adobe product tutorials, photography, Excel skills, or just take an online class in something you are interested in and that might turn out to be valuable to your career. Never stop learning and you’ll go far.4. Polish your profiles.
When you get to the application stage, you’ll need to have your LinkedIn—and all other social media—profiles at peak force. Spend some hours putting together your summary, your job history, details of any study abroad, etc. Make sure to emphasize any passions or skills or strengths that won’t quite fit in your resume. This is your chance to shine.5. Have fun.
Remember, you’re going to want to be you here. Your best self, sure. But your authentic self. Remember to stay true to what you like and want most out of a job. And remember to have fun.Share via: