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What Your Interviewer is Really Asking

Feb 24, 2016 Randy Stancovici

What Your Interviewer is Really Asking

If you've been to enough job interviews, you've probably been asked questions like "what is your biggest weakness?" or "why do you want to work for us?" on more than one occasion. These questions are very common in an interview but job seekers are never quite sure what the interviewer is really looking for. Do they really want to know that we have an unhealthy obsession with chocolate or that the only reason we're looking to work for them is so that we can pay the bills? Why do they ask these questions when they can't possible expect a 100% honest answer? The answer is simple and the folks at WiseCareers have deconstructed 9 of the most common interview questions in order to show us what the interviewer is really looking for. As it turns out, interviewers do not expect us to answer 100% honestly. What they're really looking to do is dissect and analyze our answers in order to obtain the hidden meaning. Check out the infographic below: e9429f98a403afd907fd412fbf20cf6f Also make sure to review these 6 hardest interview questions to get yourself ready for the interview.

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