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"How Do You Build Relationships At Work?" Interview Answers

Jun 28, 2022 Amanda Nunez

"How Do You Build Relationships At Work?" Interview Answers

Interview Question: “How Do You Build Relationships at Work?”

When you're interviewing for a job, one of the questions they might ask is how you go about building relationships with your co-workers. It's an essential question since strong workplace relationships can help you be more productive and happier at your job. But what are the right things to say in response to this question? Check out some of our top tips here.

Why employers ask about relationship building

Many employers will ask interviewees questions about their ability to build relationships at work. They do this for a few reasons. Primarily, they want to gauge what kind of team member you'll be. Will you be easy to work with? Or will you be someone who's challenging to get along with? They also want to see if you can see both sides of every issue. After all, to build successful relationships, you need to understand and empathize with others' points of view, even if you don't necessarily agree with them. Finally, employers want to know if you have what it takes to resolve conflict. After all, no workplace is free of tension and disagreements from time to time. If you can show that you're capable of handling these situations maturely and diplomatically, it'll go a long way in proving your worth as a potential employee.

Roles where you’ll likely be asked about relationship building during the interview

You're likely to be asked questions about how you build relationships in roles such as these:
Customer service roles, where one of the critical aspects of the job is maintaining positive customer relationships
Roles that involve face-to-face interactions with clients or customers, such as sales roles
Positions in which teamwork is a vital part of the job, such as project manager roles
Management roles, where one of the key responsibilities is leading and motivating a team

How to Answer “How Do You Build Relationships at Work?”

Focus on integrity

Integrity is one of the most important qualities an employee can bring to the workplace. Integrity fosters positive relationships with coworkers, helps build trust, and creates an overall atmosphere of respect. Furthermore, employees who exhibit integrity are more likely to be viewed as leaders by their peers. In a world where integrity is often in short supply, those who possess it are sure to find success.

Highlight your desire to contribute

When you help others, you are also helping to build trust and rapport. In addition, you are helping to foster communication and understanding. All of these things can lead to success in your career. So, if you want to help others at work, don't hesitate to highlight it during an interview.

Mention team satisfaction surveys

Are you data-driven? You can showcase this by mentioning team satisfaction surveys by responding to “How Do You Build Relationships at Work?”. A lot can be learned about the health of a team this way; regularly taking the pulse of the group allows for open and honest feedback to be given to improve the work environment.

Be genuinely interested in others

One of the best ways to form relationships is by being interested in others. Getting to know your colleagues, understanding their backgrounds and experiences, and being supportive can go a long way in forming lasting relationships. When you are interested in others, they are more likely to be interested in you, which is the foundation of any good relationship.

Answering "How Do You Build Relationships At Work?"

Building relationships at work is key to success in any field. The interviewer wants to know that you can develop strong connections with co-workers, clients, and other professionals. If you have a history of building successful relationships, highlight this during your interview. You can also share how you go about networking and forming connections. Whatever approach you take, make sure it is genuine and authentic.

For more tips, including additional guides to answering common questions, visit our blog on job interviewing.

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