Aug 7, 2017 ● Michael Hoon
How to answer "Walk me through your resume" in a job interview
You’re all excited for your interview and then you get the dreaded question. “Walk me through your resume,” the interviewer says. “Walk through it yourself!” you think. “Can’t you read?” We kid—of course, you can only think this. (Please, only think it!)
It may seem like a ridiculous question, but think of it instead as an opportunity. You have a captive audience here to really fill in any holes or gaps on your resume and talk your interviewer through the bullet points while fleshing them out with the details they deserve! Take care, however, that you don’t let your own overconfidence trip you up. Be prepared to give a succinct, non-rambling answer. Also be prepared to have a smooth way of glossing over positions you put on for necessary padding in the hopes that the recruiter wouldn’t read those sections too carefully.
Here are a few good tips for preparing to answer this common question.