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Need a hiring boost? Think like a CMO!

Nov 8, 2021 Kate Lopaze

Need a hiring boost? Think like a CMO!

As the dreaded phrase “Great Resignation” swirls around HR circles, recruiters and hiring managers have the unenviable task of filling a growing number of open positions in one of the most challenging climates in a very long time. Yet you charge on because getting the right people in place is the only way to move forward. If you’re feeling a bit stuck with your current hiring process, it’s time to take a different approach.

Why use a marketing approach for recruiting?

You’re already an expert at thinking like an HR guru, but now it’s time to put on a slightly different hat: the Chief Marketing Officer’s (CMO). Too often, companies rely on standard recruiting methods and channels to reach the same pools of applicants over and over. When you focus on the messaging and the brand you’re putting out there to potential recruits, you’re giving them a reason to not only notice you but also to see you as their next great opportunity.

This focus on “recruitment marketing” has become a must-have as the job market gets tougher and tougher for hiring managers to source and bring in the best talent.

Revamp your employer brand

Start by second-guessing your status quo. Take a close look at the company information you’re putting out there—website, social media accounts, blurbs in job ads. If possible, get feedback from fresh pairs of eyes. What’s the first thing they think of when they see your hiring site? How would they characterize your company as a place to work? Are your company values and culture clear in the information you’re putting out there? What would they say are the biggest messages that come across?

It also helps to do a little snooping into what your competitors are putting out there, and what people are saying about your own company. Sites like Glassdoor can give good, bad, and ugly insight into how former employees see you. This can also help you get ahead of any negative word of mouth that may be out there, and help neutralize it for anyone looking for information about you as an employer.

And if your social media accounts are on the quiet side lately, it’s time to get those up and running with content and interaction to engage potential talent.

Tell the right story to reach talent

Once you’ve started rebooting your employer brand, it’s important to follow that up by setting the narrative you want to draw in would-be job seekers. Now more than ever, potential employees are being upfront about the values they want in a workplace, like diversity, inclusivity, and social consciousness. And authenticity is also a big deal, so it’s not the time to exaggerate trendy values or stances that just aren’t part of your company culture.

Instead, make sure your message and your values are clear. If you can, get brief testimonials from a range of employees that you can use in your social media and recruiting materials. It’s great to spell out your mission or your goals as a company, but your current employees are some of the best resources you have for showing others why they would want to join the team. Videos and “day in the life” content are especially effective.

Use the right tools to spread your message

Think of it as a campaign. If you’re selling a new and improved brand to the same people who have seen it before, you likely won’t get the traction and growth you want. You might want to think about using programmatic AI software that can help you find the best, most effective channels for recruiting and job advertising, and get real-time feedback on engagement that helps you figure out where to reach out to the right talent. The metrics and analytics you get can also help you track your campaign’s success, and give insight into what you can tweak to make it better.

When you think more like a marketer, you’re building your company’s culture into its strongest selling point. People want to feel good about joining the right team. By emphasizing the marketability of your organization and your available jobs, you’ll give yourself an advantage in the most challenging field.

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