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The best ways to cut down your time-to-hire

Feb 1, 2019 Guest Contributor

The best ways to cut down your time-to-hire

Advancements in technology have transformed recruitment in many ways. Now, you can easily leverage technology and tools to decrease your time-to-hire.

However, there are still some companies that take a lot of time to identify and hire the right candidates. Many recruiters struggle to find top talent who are a good fit for their open job positions.

Studies have found that only around 30% of companies are able to fill their open jobs within 30 days. The rest take up to four months to close their positions.

Most candidates prefer companies that have a quick and efficient hiring process. You might be surprised to learn that 57% of job seekers lose interest in a company if they have a lengthy hiring process.

If you don't want to lose top talent, take a look at the following strategies. They can help you decrease your time-to-hire and close positions quickly.

Recruit via social media

Recruiters can use social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to source quality candidates. These platforms can help you identify, approach, and recruit top quality candidates for your company in less time.

You can run recruitment ads on your social media accounts to attract people who might be interested in your job openings. This method can help garner quite a few responses to your ads in a short time.

Interview candidates remotely

Recruiters can speed up their time-to-hire by organizing online interviews through video calling platforms like Skype. It can help you save time as you don’t need to visit other cities to recruit people or ask them to visit you.

You can also record your conversations for further screening. This will enable you to review your candidates’ qualifications as well as soft skills. You can select candidates who are a good fit for your open jobs.

Leveraging technology can help you cut down your time-to-hire to a great extent. The following infographic can help you learn some more strategies to help you hire quickly.

Minimize Your Time to Hire with These Awesome Strategies
Image courtesy: CandidateRewards

About the author:
Alex Miles is a PR specialist for Candidate Rewards & TotalRewards Software which is a unique candidate experience software that enables companies to communicate the true value of their offer to candidates. She helps brands reach wider audiences and build good reputations with well-nurtured, cooperative relationships.
Social accounts:LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube

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