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3 signs you should be working in HR

Mar 20, 2020 Eric Titner

3 signs you should be working in HR

Are you searching for a career path that’s right for you? Depending on your background, interests, and skillset, you may want to take a closer look at the HR field and what it might have to offer. Although HR is a broad term that spans a wide spectrum of employment options, there are a few things that they all typically share: opportunities to source and attract key talent to staff an organization’s teams, directly help employees onboard effectively and achieve their professional goals, and support companies and develop and uphold their missions, cultures, and values.

HR professionals hold key roles in most organizations and contribute significantly to their short- and long-term viability and success. In today’s people-centric work culture, the role of HR professionals in helping companies promote progressive and positive work environments and project engaging and meaningful corporate brands has never been more important. For many individuals, their first interaction with a potential employer occurs through its HR personnel, so they’re often the face of the company and are charged with helping to craft strong first impressions in the minds of candidates—which is no small task in today’s ultra-competitive job market.

Does this all sound intriguing to you? If so, then a smart next step is to determine if you’re a good potential fit for the field. If the following signs seem to describe you perfectly, then it may be a good indication that you should be working in HR.

1. You like working with people

Have you always considered yourself a natural people person? Do you enjoy interacting with all sorts of individuals in all types of capacities? HR professionals typically love being at the front lines of the organizations they work for. It's their job to deal directly with both current and prospective employees to help them achieve their professional goals, find fulfillment, and become valuable assets to their employers, by guiding them through the recruitment and onboarding processes throughout their tenures and even during the exit procedures and beyond. Does the notion of helping people in support of the company you work for sound appealing to you? If so, then the HR field may just be a good field for you to pursue.

2. You appreciate a challenge

HR pros are no stranger to challenges. The truth is, all sorts of issues can arise—and often do—in organizations during the normal course of business that fall upon HR departments to address. If you’re thinking about working in the HR field, you should expect to encounter issues ranging from talent recruitment and onboarding challenges, to staff development, to ensuring company compliance and dispute resolution, to handling sensitive and problematic employee concerns, to ensuring a positive and inclusive work environment, and much more. It can be said that there’s rarely a dull moment in the world of an HR professional, so if you’re the sort of person who doesn’t shy away from taking on new challenges every day, then maybe you should be working in the field.

3. You’re calm in a crisis

Are you known as a steady rudder in turbulent waters? When the heat is on and tensions are high, are you a calming element who's good at diffusing difficult situations? When people in your life are dealing with tough issues, are you often the one they turn to for guidance? If you decide to pursue a career in human resources, you can count on having these skills called upon in a variety of situations. An effective HR professional is adept at calmly handling all manner of tricky, sensitive, and downright difficult situations, including everything from personal one-on-one employee issues to company-wide crises. If this seems like the sort of work you’re capable of handling, then perhaps this is the right path for you.

If you’re considering a career in HR, then it’s in your best interest to do your homework, research the field carefully, and try to determine if you’re a good potential fit. It's certainly a good sign that you may be making a wise choice if the traits mentioned here apply to you. Good luck with your career exploration!

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