Jun 28, 2016 ● Sheryl Posnick
5 Reasons for Leaving a Job and How to Deal Once You Go
Gone are the days when you’d start your career as an eager young entry-level employee at a company, then flash-forward to your retirement party at the same company, after rising through the ranks (and the various hairstyle and wardrobe changes). It used to be fairly common to commit to a company for the duration of your career, leaving a job only for life changes or unexpected events (getting fired or laid off). These days, the average worker holds ten different jobs before turning 40 years old. Ten! That’s a lot of jobs, and a lot of transition.
Now, you’re not obligated to have that many different jobs, and if you are willing and able to move from intern to manager to CEO at Widget Corp, go for it! For most of us, it’s not really an option. Economic circumstances change, or there’s not enough room for growth. You meet that awesome someone, who just happens to be moving across the country for his or her own job, and wants you to come with.
Everyone’s career path is a little different (and thank goodness for that—we can’t all be web designers or interpretive dance choreographers), so the reasons for leaving are as varied as we are. Let’s look at some of the most common, valid reasons for leaving your current job, and how to make the transition from one to the next.