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Avoid Burnout by Connecting with Your Healthcare Colleagues

May 29, 2015 Sheryl Posnick

Avoid Burnout by Connecting with Your Healthcare Colleagues

As a member of the medical field, you already know that you speak a totally different language from non-industry people. But beyond that, your emotional language is also quite foreign to outsiders. Sure,you can certainly talk to your friends and family about your job, but they'll never truly "get" the unique challenges you face daily--not like someone else who's been there in the trenches.

If you don't have an emotional outlet, the daily stresses that come with a health care job might consume your life outside of the job. After all, someone who hasn't experienced the phenomenon of being responsible for someone else's health and well-being will never understand:
  • The pressure of managing life-or-death situations on a daily basis
  • The physical toll of being on your feet for hours at a time
  • The constant worry about possible malpractice suits
  • The daily struggle to deal with difficult (and oftentimes irrational!) patients
  • The constant feeling that you're moments away from burning out
It's key to your professional success to seek out peers with whom you can vent and feel understood. The shared camaraderie with peers who work in medicine is indeed a special bond, one that can make you a better employee in the long run. Take advantage of the connection you share to avoid career burnout!

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