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How an Administrative Job Can Be a Stepping Stone

Mar 29, 2016 Jessie Liu

How an Administrative Job Can Be a Stepping Stone

The administrative job can be a great stepping stone to something bigger, whether you are talking about health care jobs, working in an office or in other fields. Because administrative jobs entail multiple duties and can evolve over time, this is the perfect spot to branch out and work your way toward a new career. Successful strategies can work to make a smooth transition and show you the opportunities available before you start checking classified ads for jobs.

Examine Your Job Duties

Take a look at your current and past job duties and make a list of your strong points, including your experience and training. For example, suppose you want to go into the communications field. Look at your experience and talents, and list which of those would be applicable in that particular field. If you have extensive knowledge of computer programs, such as Excel and Microsoft Word, can you use this expertise to transition into the vast computer field? Customer relations, financial matters and project coordination may also be a part of your job and can be transitioned into employment in a new area.

Look at Your Resume With a Critical Eye

Think about what would interest a hiring manager to evolve into your new career, and whether you have the necessary skills you need to move up the ladder. If not, it might be a good time to take a few courses, complete a degree or get the other necessary skills you need to make the move.

Make a Plan in Advance

Be clear about your goal and focus on one, not on several potential jobs that can raise you into a leadership position. Do you want to segway into information or computer management, administrative services, marketing or some other field? Spreading yourself too thin when job hunting can be a mistake. The key is to decide on a field and focus.

Write a New Resume

Once you've targeted the new job you want, rewrite your resume to include applicable skills and experience. Further enhance your resume when you want to put in a job application, so that it reflects both those skills and fulfills the requirements for the job.

Provide Examples on Your Resume

A flat resume on the locations you have worked and job duties isn't enough and doesn't truly say how you benefited your previous company. Use examples of how you were an asset to your previous company and how this could transition into the new job. For example, an administrative services manager oversees the smooth operation of a business and directs staff but has many more duties. Use what experience you have to show that you have what it takes to slip easily into the new position.

Work on Interview Skills

Having a great resume for a job helps you get your foot in the door. However, sailing through the interview is necessary to get hired or invited back for a second interview. Practice answering common interview questions and get a family member or friend to help. Pare down the time it takes to respond to questions so your answers are succinct and to the point but cover the information you want to convey. Dress appropriately for your interview, and try to present yourself as relaxed and confident.

Remember to Clean Out Your Social Media Pages

Before even applying for new jobs, take the time to clean out your social media pages of items you wouldn't want a hiring manager to see, such as profane language or pics of your last out-of-control party. In addition, now is the time to rework your LinkedIn page to include the skills and expertise you want to highlight. Since such a high percentage of employers check social media pages before making an offer, forgetting to update your LinkedIn account can result in the lack of a job offer.

Hunting for Your New Job

When looking for a job to move up the ladder, knowing what to do to make it easier helps. Job hunting in a practical way is also a good idea, instead of depending on job classifieds. TheJobNetwork does your job search for you by sending you email alerts when jobs become available in your chosen field. All you do is fill out your qualifications and job interests. Sign up with TheJobNetwork to get started.

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