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How to Add Rocket Fuel to Your Job Search Strategy

Jul 16, 2015 Joanna Hughes

How to Add Rocket Fuel to Your Job Search Strategy

Finding a job like everything else in life requires a plan. When you buy a new car, you probably look at different car makers, models and reviews. You learn about the vehicle's handling, braking distance and gas mileage. Once you have acquired a knowledge base, you might visit showrooms, check classified ads or go online. Finding a job is not very different. The parameters might be, but the basic research, knowledge acquisition and plan execution are not.

Pick a Job That Is Right for You

The first order of business is to look at your strengths, interests and experience. You need to identify the job that best suits you. Once you have established that, it is a good idea to check who is hiring in the area. Job classifieds may detail local openings. Online job sites, such as TheJobNetwork, provide multiple listings and send email alerts when a job opportunity surfaces.

Companies and Hiring Profiles

Once you have chosen the type of job you want, it is important to search for companies who offer that type of work. Companies are often specific about the type of candidate needed. Whether written directly or not, companies put forth a hiring profile. Deciding if you meet the criteria is a good first step. If so, checking into company preferences concerning resume style and other information the company may want is advisable. Use the resume to set yourself apart and provide categorization of your strengths and achievements while staying within the company job description.

Creating the Resume and Extraneous Profiles

Potential employers often check out applicants on LinkedIn. Having a profile that is well written and provides an accurate presentation of your skills, employment history and connections is important. In addition, knowing about a company will help to set you apart later on during the interview process. This shows attentiveness to detail and curiosity, qualities that are highly valued. Researching the company and its beliefs and value system, as well as its product or services, indicates that you have taken the time to learn about the company.

Checking Your Resume and Cover Letter

Writing a generic cover letter and resume is a good idea. Your resume should succinctly chronicle your experience and training as well as education. Modifying the resume and cover letter to fit the job makes sense. It is obvious to employers when the resume is not job specific. Letting a mentor or friend review your resume and LinkedIn profile helps give you fresh perspective.

Job Outlook

The job outlook has seen an uptick since 2010, and statistically this growth is strong. The number of jobs in each sector varies. By using labor statistics, it is possible for a job seeker to determine which category has the most jobs at any given time.

Finding Jobs Depends On Where You Look

Looking online for jobs every day helps you catch a new opening as soon as it is announced. TheJobNetwork finds opportunities and alerts you by email as soon as a job is available. Signing up for this service is free and easy. Once you upload your information, this job recruitment network searches its database and others for new job opportunities.

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