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You can make at least $20/Hour at these 10 part-time jobs

Aug 22, 2017 Peter Jones

You can make at least $20/Hour at these 10 part-time jobs

Need a part time job, but can’t make it work on minimum wage, or even double minimum wage? Lucky for you, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics came up with a list of part time jobs that pay $20 per hour—or more—which is nearly triple the federal minimum wage. Here are some of the best options in fields that aren’t likely to collapse in the next 10 years and that don’t require more than a bachelor’s degree.

1. Dental Hygienist

Earn an average of $35 an hour, with a job growth rate of 19% projected. This job typically requires an associate’s degree.

2. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer

Take pretty pictures of people’s insides! Make an average of nearly $35 per hour, with projected growth of 26%. This job typically requires an associate’s degree.

3. Respiratory Therapist

Help people breathe! Earn an average of $28 per hour, with growth projected at 12%. This job typically requires an associate’s degree.

4. Physical Therapy Assistant

You don’t need to be a physical therapist to help train people and work in the field. Earn an average of $21 per hour (projected growth: 39%). This job typically requires an associate’s degree.

5. Registered Nurse

This is a pretty involved career, not so much like picking up a side job, but it comes with the potential to be compensated well. The average hourly pay is $32 and the projected growth 16%. This job typically requires an bachelor’s degree, plus some specific certification.

6. Management Analyst

Earn nearly $39 per hour, with job growth projected at 14%. This job typically requires a bachelor’s degree.

7. Dietician or Nutritionist

Help people lead healthier lives and earn an average of $28 per hour. Projected growth for this job is 16%. This job also typically requires a bachelor’s degree.

8. Tutor

If you’re looking for something that involves a little less commitment and a bit more flexibility, you can always try tutoring or teaching test prep. If you can help teach advanced material or specialized subjects/exams, you can make up to $75 per hour—but the bare minimum is usually over $20.

9. Interpreter or Translator

Are you already fluent in a language other than English? You can earn an average of $22 per hour providing real time interpretation in places like schools, hospitals, or courtrooms. You can also get a job with a translation company or work on a freelance basis. Projected growth for this job is 29%.

10. Massage Therapist

If you like healing people and you have strong hands and a desire to learn, you can get certified as a massage therapist and make an average of $21 per hour. No matter what your qualifications, there are part-time jobs out there that allow you the flexibility you need in your schedule and still will make it possible for you to pay the rent. When all else fails, consider the service industry (serving, bartending, catering, personal chef-ing, personal assisting, nannying, personal shopping, landscaping, dog walking, etc.) or the fashion industry (consulting, doing make-up or hair) or even designing apps or selling crafts on Etsy. A little imagination and tenacity can lead to you making a great living on an hourly wage.

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