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Top 10 Hottest Jobs for College Graduates

Jun 22, 2016 Peter Jones

Top 10 Hottest Jobs for College Graduates

if you're on the job hunt post-college and have no idea where to begin, take your cue from 2016's hottest jobs for college graduates. here are the top tens for job postings and most-popular (and hirable!) majors for recent research done by the thejobnetwork in 2016. let’s start with this years 10 most popular majors. not much change has been shown in the past few years. so if you’re still undecided, you might consider one of these tried-and-true paths to your future career:

top 10 majors of 2016

  • business administration & management
  • psychology
  • nursing
  • teaching or education
  • accounting
  • criminal justice / corrections
  • accounting
  • liberal arts (general studies)
  • english language & literature
  • history
next up are the top 10 job titles posted on thejobnetwork in 2016 that require a college degree. so you can take your studies from the list above and get out there on the market!

top 10 job postings on thejobnetwork in 2016

 and, finally, here are the top 10 jobs that were the “most boosted” in 2016 on thejobnetwork, all of which are specifically targeting recent grads.

top 10 jobs targeting recent grads on thejobnetwork

you don’t have to pick one of these career paths or even one of these popular majors to succeed in the job market out of college. but knowing what’s out there and what’s making waves can be incredibly useful to you. follow the trends just enough to be educated and current in what the job search climate is like, without being a slave to any cookie-cutter formulas. and if you’re indecisive or in doubt, it never hurts to go for something that’s proven to get results!

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