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8 jobs that won’t exist in 2030

Jul 31, 2017 Michael Hoon

8 jobs that won’t exist in 2030

Times are changing so rapidly, and the job market is going right along for the ride. You likely already know that technology is forcing many of the things we’re used to toward extinction. Non-electronic books? Soon to be a thing of the past. CDs? Try finding anyone under 20 who listens to them. But unfortunately, many jobs are getting swept out the door, as well. If you're just entering the job market, or want to get a sense of your career trajectory, it’s wise to know which gigs probably won’t be around in 10 to 20 years before you're stuck in a dead-end field.

1. Librarian

More and more people are clearing out those paperbacks and downloading e-books on their Tablets and Kindles instead. The same goes for borrowing—as books fall out of favor, libraries are not as popular as they once were. That means you’ll have a tough time finding a job if you decide to become a librarian. Many schools and universities are already moving their libraries off the shelves and onto the Internet.

2. Paperboy/Papergirl

Books are not the only paper-based reading materials in jeopardy. As more news junkies get their daily fix online, actual newspapers are falling out of favor. This is good news for trees but bad news for all the kids who once earned extra cash delivering papers door to door.

3. Cashier

It can be really nice to see a friendly face when paying for your groceries, but a lot of shoppers would rather just pay for their stuff and get out. Many retailers are catching onto this, as well as the cost-effectiveness of not having to pay cashiers, and are opting for self-checkout machines. This can be a real problem for the teenagers, college students, and adults looking for hourly work who rely on cashier jobs.

4. Receptionist

Isn’t it annoying when you call a business and have to deal with an automated system that may not be able to answer your questions quickly and courteously? Too bad. Many businesses have adopted such systems, which does not bode well for human receptionists. They may soon find themselves going the way of the dodo too.

5. Telemarketer

Okay, this one might actually seem like good news, because no one likes to have her or his day interrupted by telemarketers. Yes, telemarketers are no longer in high demand because of Internet-based marketing, though equally obnoxious “robo-calls” are still pretty common.

6. Travel Agent

Sites such as Expedia and Travelocity have made booking a trip as easy as posting a few Tweets. However, there was a time when you would actually have to go to a travel agency and deal with a human being behind a desk to make arrangements to visit Disneyland. Those obsolete professionals are known as travel agents, and unfortunately, most of them have had to move on to other careers.

7. Word Processor

Typing was once a pretty common and obtainable office job. Word processing apps have made hiring living, breathing typists unnecessary. Such jobs are in a downward spiral likely to hit bottom sometime in the next 20 years.

8. Social Media Manager

Libraries and travel agencies probably seem pretty old fashioned— real products of the twentieth century. However, social media has only been a major force for 15  years or so. Yet even this relatively new technology is not safe from change. Actually, it is the popularity of social media that may force social media managers out of business. Who needs these experts when we’re all becoming experts? In 10 or 20 years, we may not even remember what a social media manager, cashier, or receptionist is. As you can see, jobs over the next decade will evolve in ways we can't even imagine right now—you just have to be willing to go along with the ride and adapt as the times around us change. Although these 8 positions may still exist in some form in 2030, they most likely will come with different titles and require skillsets that positions of the past never required.

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